11 May 2012

9/5/2012 + 10/5/2012

Sibeh hungry now.. Macam long time no blogging le.. =P
So sorry to XX, recently macam always reject her.. ><"



Woke up, then a bit shocked by a message.. lol
Salute to XX.. (Y)
How come he know about XX d?? lol
Bow him.. ><"

Got a singing competition audition at night, 8pm-11pm..
XX decided to participate, XX and XX also interested..
Bla bla bla~~~~
Finally, XX is in. ^^

Some juniors really sing dao not bad d..
Sing till I have goosebumps tim.. lol

Yau said 8pm open the online quiz for us..
Mana tau after the audition, ia pun belum buka lagi. =="
Almost 12am cai open, but the deadline already extend to 11.59pm on 10/5/2012 la.. =)

P/s: Congrate to XX. ^^



This Thursday macam very busy..
May have M&S presentation in the morning..
May need to meet the HR people in the afternoon class for DV project..
Have SQL HOT at night..

Lastly, we ended up the day like this...
M&S.. The lecturer came and bla bla bla to us..
They quite beh song he said "You don't fool me. You don't fool others.".. lol
Lec: You understand what I said??
We: ?? (blur state)
Lec: You understand what I mean??
We: (no choice but to nod our head slightly with slow motion.. lol)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lec: Why don't you stop me?? I thought you all understand what I meant.. You all said understand..
We: Yes, understand, but is misunderstand..
Lol.. Zadao lo.. Kept mentioned about Simulink, apa manual not manual.. =="
We got gap la sir.. lol
Use cantonese also susah mau explain to him sometimes.. lol ><"
So at last we have to add some explanations in our report lo.. =)

DV..Skipped his lab as usual.. lol
Work not done, nothing to show the HR person if that person really come.. lol
+ XXXXXs all are not going to attend his class..
So.. hehe
But cham lo, last last week ambil cuti d letter not yet submit to him..
Means I have already skip his class for two weeks?? OMG~ ><"

Wa.. Really copied nia for most of the questions..
At least 2 marks will be deducted, coz question 2(c) is wrong already.. haix

Thought tonight have to burn midnight oil d..
But suddenly XX told that the deadline for DV project is postponed liao..
So we have another two weeks time to complete it. ^^
Tonight can sleep early a bit lu~ ^^
Recently sleep damn late d, 3am.. 4am.. ><"

08 May 2012


06 May 2012

Old Town White Coffee + Song Box + “The Avenger” + Big Apple + 魔力点子

懂礼拜是XX的生日,然后刚好朋友也想去看电影,所以就又租车出Kuantan了 =P
租车不容易啊,租了又cancel掉.. ><"
11am变11.30am,只因睡迟了.. ><"

先去了Megamall外面的Old Town White Coffee,我没去过的.. ^^
White Coffee + White Coffee Cham + 2 Hazelnut White Coffee..
The Hazelnut 1 no hazelnut smell d.. ><"

干咖喱全蛋面.. RM7.90
Got curry smell but lack of curry taste.. lol

BBQ Chicken = 叉烧.. lol
什么叉烧全蛋面.. RM7.50
叉烧ok香一下啦.. XD

肉碎全蛋面.. RM7.50

Actually全蛋面 = 云吞面izit?? lol

XX的什么什么鸡扒饭.. RM11.50
是有tried一口啦,但是不知道啊.. ><"

另外order的Kaya + Butter + 蒸面包
吃完面再打开,它已经没烟了 ><"
嗯,软软温温的,好吃 =P
我帮XX搽面包哦~ ^^
下面的面包有点湿了 ><"
但还是好吃 ^^
好久没吃Kaya+Butter这样的组合了 =P

我们就先去唱K了 ^^
是没唱到最后一秒啦,但也至少唱到最后一首歌了 ^^
然后赶场去看戏 XD
冲去厕所,再冲进电影院 =P

意外遇到Kam ^^

《The Avengers》.. 我终于去看了
不错看嘛.. 但是有些对白已经在fb看过了,对我来说就没笑点了 haha
Old-fashioned的超人.. haha
他手里的盾我觉得好像垃圾桶盖/沟渠盖哦 lol
但是他的沟渠盖并不是盖的!haha XD
个人认为除了Hulk,其他的都不错看 XD

晚餐大家都想了很久,不懂要去哪里吃 ><"
后来才决定去魔力点子.. Haha

冰巧克力 + 柃檬烤茶+ 魔力点子奶茶

XX叫拍的Menu.. haha
喝茶好喔,喝多点茶啦.. lol

跟前一天一样,XO酱炒萝卜糕 =P


aiya,拍到反光tim.. ><"

来错了的Nasi Goreng Kampung.. ><"

XX来了,一直说要拍照.. hiao~ haha

Stephen和Tai Ann ^^

就是一直瞄到他一些不雅的动作.. haha

晚上回到之后还吃了Big Apple.. XD
Yam的那个有点甜.. ><"

一整天下来,吃喝玩乐都是XXXs付钱.. hahaha XD
没钱真可怜.. =(

P/s:XX后来beh song,不敢多说话.. ><"
P/s:XX生日,但是我没礼物给他.. ><"
P/s:喜欢赶场~ XD
P/s:原来XX本来也想再唱K,如果那时我们起身走人,我们就可以唱一个小时了.. XX说的..