Showing posts with label 校园记事本. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 校园记事本. Show all posts

17 December 2012

Thanks =)

A long-time-no-contact friend wish me good luck...
after the last contact in more than a year ago...
thanks. =)

last minute!!!

Never ever do things at last minute!!!
For example, BATH.. lol
Midnight no water then u 99 liao. ><"

Scare dao le leh..
I ming ming everyday also see many people bath in the third bathroom gak..
Today my first bathroom kena polluted, so wanna bath in the third one geh.. since it so popular..
Mana tau.. No water geh.. =.=
Is I dunno how to open the tap or really no water?? ><"
Luckily the second bathroom got water.. huu~ =)

But so geli la those bathrooms here..
Ada aunty come clean it up or not ga??
At here so many days le, the fourth bathroom seemed the same one..
Still got so many fallen hair there.. ><" Geli..

16 December 2012


我们昨晚通宵咧.. lol
肩膀酸到~ 眼睛热到~ lol
超想吃杯面的,但是没买到.. =(
却嗅面包味嗅了超过24个小时.. ><"

可是我刚才吃了.. hehe. 我的杯面.. =P
突然间超讨厌它的.. 哈哈


Sorry XX..
总觉得XX很想哭了,但是我又做不到什么.. =(


嗯.. 男朋友或许是重要的,在某些时候..

庆幸她有男朋友在身边.. =)


感谢高手相救.. ^^
也让我懂了些额外的东西.. =D
想不到他会用 =P 这种icon的!!
过后他就一直=.=了.. 哈哈哈哈哈


我有很多私人plan要去实行咧.. =P
但愿pass就好.. =)

15 December 2012


才刚从Gambang回来.. =.="

第一次搭巴士去Gambang吃晚餐,是Rapid Kuantan哦..
三个多小时.. 天哪~ ><"

天还亮着就出门了,天黑了才回来.. ><"
晴变毛毛雨,毛毛雨变大雨,大雨变晴,才上到巴士.. ><"
头发干变湿,湿变干了.. ><"
最后等巴士,等到我们都把另外打包的satay吃完了.. =.="

总结:巴士不懂多久才来一趟,错过了真的会让人觉得很慌张~ LOL

“Ada uxx student tak??” =.=
没有,巴士还是要进去载人啊.. =.=
有点吓到我了,手上拿着瓶酒.. ><"

都是这样拿的嘛.. 这样才低调嘛.. lol

13 - 14/12/2012

Wahahaha.. 刚刚好够长的cable..
直线过~ ><" lol

毁容了.. 去PKP看医生.. ><"
第一次真的有事去看医生咧.. lol

还欠一双蓝底红带的拖鞋,就能变成一个cycle了.. 哈哈

Wa... 本来是要出去吃一餐扒罢了
结果却吃了那么多东西回来.. lol
TC 文头浪..
TC fish & chips..
McD Twister..
KFC Cheesy Wedges + Krushers..
Burger King nuggets + Onion Rings..
Chatime Passion Fruit QQ..
本来还要吃Chocotop的,却没了.. =(
这个晚上终于.. 久违了.. 哈哈 ^^
但是.. 坐车回了,没搭到..

发觉.. 新的50sen比旧的20sen小..
面积小.. 价值也是不是小了?lol

13 December 2012


算是settle down了..


9.00am的巴士,到学校已经是7.35pm了.. 天黑了.. =(
今天吃了1个Mamee面,3个50g的面包,500ml水.. @.@

这一刻还要给我在fb看到人家upload的laksa!!! 哼!!

Laksa啊~ 好像很好吃的样子.. =(

P/s:真的很想睡的feel~ 虽然在巴士已经睡到不睡了.. ><"


Driver的声音大到~ 中气十足!!

Walao!!! 他太兴奋了,一边笑,一边一直拍东西.. =.="


怎么办.. 我的脸.. ><"

25 November 2012


今天差不多睡到中午.. lol
真的就只差那么一点罢了.. 唏嘘~ ><"

晚上去了那里一下,地上都湿漉漉的.. 积水、泥浆.. ><"
见到帮忙打点哥丧礼的那个人.. lol


昨天9.30am的巴士,5.40pm才到Medan Gopeng车站.. ><"
好像是有史以来最迟回到怡保的一次.. ><"

前面的一个妈妈带着4个孩子还有1个baby搭巴士,3个哥哥轮流抢着要抱baby咧.. 哈哈
突然想到我小时候应该也一样,有哥哥姐姐抱,有爷爷抱,有妈妈爸爸抱.. 幸福+感动~ ^^

谢谢Kelvin的UMP Sharing.. XD
谢谢Haw Juin的帮忙,没有他我就回不了了.. lol

第一次在外面吃生熟蛋咧~ 开心 ^^
我还自己打蛋壳哦~ =P
但是蛋有点太熟了,而且也等了超久才来的.. =(
噢~ 我想吃烤面包~ XD

有点怕电子产品如手机和laptop带进带出,里面的零件会冒水珠而坏掉.. ><"


窗口上的水珠.. 对面block的窗口都没有的.. ><"

在里面吃热热的curry味杯面真的很爽.. XD
吃完了,人就不觉冷了.. 只是腿还是觉得蛮凉的.. 哈哈

24/11是姐和Kok Wah的生日.. =)

23 November 2012


Emo了tim.. haix
只想自己一个人.. lol
不想说话的夜晚.. lol
好像想说些什么, 但是找不到想说的对象, 所以就不说了..

找fei zai要笑话, 结果什么都得不到.. Sien..
问世间有多少个人会为了你的要求而找一堆笑话取悦你?? Haix


看了XX介绍的电影.. 《最长的拥抱》
蛮不错看的, 虽然前面某些part看不太明白.. lol
但是还是不错感动~ ^^
是不是这套电影看到我emo哈? Lol

这次回来好像很sien哦.. 没entertainment的.. =(


昨晚半夜突然出去疯了, 5am才回来..
下午太无聊了, 就只好睡下午觉..
舅婆病重下不了床, 礼拜晚的宴会取消..
但愿她能健健康康撑到女儿出嫁, 过后没事就好了.. =)


我把钱丢下去.. =.="




其实我也很冷~ lol

22 November 2012


Cham lo.. Toothache~ ><"

Sien lo today d bus..
8.30am bought ticket..
8.45am bus arrived..
9.00am mechanic came and repaired the bus.. ><"
9.30am done repairing and departed..
9.33am arrived petrol station and refilled fuel..
9.38am it baru betul2 depart.. =.=
Reached UMP already 4.30pm+ le..
但是这次巴士好像是走Genting那条路咧.. 哈哈
我今天曾经离Genting很近~ 开心.. lol
然后好像翻越过几个山头的feel~ =.="

巴士也.. erhem的老..
那技工是爸认识的咧.. 哈哈
站去看那人维修,后来有好几个乘客也走过来看.. lol

后面的aunty把脚放在我们的扶手那里!Ish.. 恶心!
前面的座位有蜘蛛在爬来爬去.. ><" 但是也谢谢右边的先生帮我抓走它.. =)
左边的华人男子,开眼就静静,闭眼就鼻鼾声.. =.=
我.. 四面楚歌~ lol
有时装睡.. XD

一去到就能先进房了.. XD
好开心哦~ 有冷气的咧~ ^^
有被子,有枕头,床都铺好了床单的.. (Y)
可是我自己也带来了.. =(  笨!!
房间地上还有毛毯的哦~ XD
干干净净的.. 不像上次在楼下的,床褥上有大大块的灰尘.. lol
还有一个小圆桌和两张木椅子咧~ XD
我没住过四楼咧.. 这次真的爬个够了.. ><"

Wei How见到我,第一句劈头就问“做么你脸多了酱多pimples的?”.. T.T
偷拍Yan Xin bla bla bla 的照片.. 他问“你不怕我的hor?”.. lol

Me:是Galaxy S Duos,双sim卡的..
Yan Xin:这个是S3吗?
Yan Xin:这个不是Galaxy S3咩?
Me:这是Tab啦,Mini Tab

Useless Web.. 同一个Please button能带你去很多不同的useless web咧..
有些useless web蛮特别的!! (Y)

P/s:Woohoo~ 冷气房~ XD
P/s:现在去洗温水澡好不好?lol.. 想念温暖.. =P

22 October 2012

Paragon + Music Stars + Tong Pak Fu

About 1 hour ago, I just reached my room, backed from Kuantan.. XD
It was over 12am already. Hehe
Tak kena kompaun sebab I tinggal kat KK1 hostel.. lol

This time outing with different gang..
Ada Chui, Mushroom, Khim and Wei How..

Went Paragon as Chui's wish..
Khim said he think he know the place after looking at the google map.. lol
We bet.. if he can't bring us there successfully, then he have to belanja.. lol
The address online is at Jalan Haji Ahmad 5..
We can't find it, yuan lai it is at Jalan Haji Ahmad 2.. lol
Just next to the Fatty Sticker.. haha XD
We reached too early le, it opens at 7pm.. lol
Almost full leh.. So many people eat there d meh??
Hmm.. Seem ng gan dan. lol

Eat ha eat ha, feel a bit spicy leh.. lol ><"
It is a Thai restaurant.. Got BBQ steamboat d..
This is my first time eat BBQ steamboat leh.. Yuan lai is like this d.. XD
Here use arang d leh, not like others using gas d.. lol
That area got many Chiang Mai TomYam.. Chiang Mai massage.. Chiang Mai Chiang Mai~ lol =.=
Khim helped us mok ha leh.. XD Thank you la.. ^^
I also know mok ha using spoon and fork d lo.. lol
Eat till the end, then dong fun became sooooo salty. ><"

Went sing K after that.. Music Stars..
Hmm.. Always got people said who who who sing dao very nice..
This time also got o.. En la.. you are not the first person saying this le..
Mushroom can sing very well!!! lol

Sent Mushroom to XX's house..
Then went Tong Pak Fu.. XD
Hehe.. This is also my first time makan Tong Pak Fu..
Yuan lai it is near JJ Kimbab there d.. lol
Closed at 12am.. And we sat till 12am.. lol
Chui chose coffee d, Khim ordered mango d, I ate durian d, and Wei How kiwi d.. And he felt damn kanasai for that.. Hahahahahahaha
Mine 1 is the most expensive one leh.. ><"
Felt like wanna eat black sesame d, but Chui said XX eat that last time.. Then dunno why I jiu choose another flavour le.. lol
Eat till so cold leh.. I shivered.. ><" Luckily nobody noticed it I think.. =P
And I saw BlackBall.. XD
But just passing by la, next time cai go eat ba.. XD

Mushroom back le..
I have no slippers to go bath le.. ><" Thanks Chui lend me a pair of slippers. =)
But I forgot to return her the cloth hanger leh.. How how how?? ><"
The opposite room yuan lai really got people d, saw the girl just now..
A bit scare tim. Dunno what she did.. making so much noise.. lol
And killed an insect in bathroom.. Busuk leh that insect. ><"
Sorry la, I scared you fly to me, so better kill you first before you attack me. ><"
A bit scare.. Coz XX said KK1 no people jaga 1.. lol

P/s: When XX meet S2, it is photo shooting time then. lol
P/s: Yuan lai got passion fruit canned drinks d.. lol
P/s: Second time outing with no bags.. Yesterday was the first. lol
P/s: RM10 left.. ><"
P/s: Cham lo. Did nothing these few days. What to report to Aziman on Monday ha?? ><"
P/s: Slept and woke in headache mode.. But it cures automatically after outing?? lol

21 October 2012

The Thieves + Sinister + Walking Dead S3E1

Sien la.. lazy mau buat xxm.. lol
Yesterday outing with Chi Hui, Mushroom and Alan..

Yesterday morning time attend the talk for LI..
Early dao~~
7am jiu awake le, coz too cold.. ><"

Went makan at the pasar there 1st..
Pasar pasar.. Yuan lai I ate there before leh!!
During CNY publicity time.. XD

Watched two movies in 1 day..
"The Thieves" and "Sinister"..
"The Thieves"...  Last time read about this movie in newspaper, know got Korean, HK stars and Msia artist take part in this movie.. Is about two gang of thieves ............ d la.. lol
"Sinister"... This is the movie watched dao I headache!! Ish.. No geli scene la..

Me: "Sinister" ok ma??
XX: Dunno..
Me: Y u dunno d.. ><"
XX: I didn't watched pun..
Me: =="

Watched "Walking Dead S3E1" just now.. XD
Woo.. Syok. XD
Today will have E2 le ba?? =P

P/s: I know I should do homework today d la.. Haix
P/s: Nightmare.. Dreamed dao XX wrote me in his blog, saying my bad things.. lol ><"
P/s: Don't wanna find XX dy. Fei si let people say I fan. lol
P/s: Ulcer in my mouth.. I think.. lol

20 October 2012

18/10/2012 - 19/10/2012

Macam long time dah tak update my blog.. lol
I also dunno what had happened these few days..

Last night is the most geng one..
Yesterday (Thursday) morning went Gambang for breakfast and ordered a cup of Kopi ais..
Met XX there, and I almost cannot recognize him!! ><"

XX: He is...
Me: Oh.. No wonder he kept looking at us just now la..
XX: He got said Hi to u ah just now when we came in..
XX & Me: Got meh..?
Me: Just now I just thought "oo.. got a secondary school student sitting alone there"..
XX & XX: Yalo yalo. I thought he is just a student wearing secondary school uniform nia leh..
XX: I though is an uncle..
XX & XX & Me: ><"

Hide in PSM lab for the afternoon till 5pm..
Went KK4 for dinner and after that had 1 tin of Nescafe Original~ at 6pm.
Then stayed in library for the night till 10pm.. XX bising!! And yuan lai XX got da gei d.. lol
Balik bilik and came out for "double ayam saje" in cafe, and had 1 tin of Nescafe Mocha.. at about 11pm.

Went bath.. This was the second time I bath in KK1 kut on Thursday..
Got water heater here leh.. Syok lo..
1st time.. the water heater rosak, so the water is not warm at all.. ==" ok lo, takpe.. =)
2nd time.. water heater okay, but the bathroom tersumbat and flood like hell!! @.@ Finally tak tahan and went to the bathroom next to it. ><" Geli sial~ @&*!^*&$
3rd time.. It happened just now.. Wait till nak kencing only willing to go bath. Went 3rd floor.. No water there, dunno what's wrong, just whole floor no water, fine~ ==" We went upstairs, and there are 2 more bathrooms available there, in which 1 of them is the "FLOOD LIKE HELL" one.. ><" We then went 2nd floor, 1st floor and ground floor to look for the bathroom.. Yucks.. ><" Just not feel like wanna take bath is such room such environment. Finally we climb to the 4th floor again.. @.@ Walao. Have to tahan kencing and tahan laugh leh.. ><" We visited all the bathrooms in the whole block!! @.@

After bath, backed to my seat and FB CHAT!! @.@
Kanasai lo.. Chatted till 3am, XX tak tahan and went sleep. ><"
12am++ until 3am.. The conversation message increased to 1000++. Haha
Today the amount increased to 2000++ already. lol
Some close friends that I kenal for few years already just have few hundreds conversation messages between us nia leh..
Erm.. current record is 22000+ with XX, second is 20000+ with XX.. lol

Then only I started with my work..
Had another tin of Nescafe Mocha at about 3am+ kut.. ><"
XX said we had 3 tins of Nescafe in 9 hours (6pm-3am)!!!!!! WALAO!! ><"
So scare that I will tak tahan and 吐白沫.. ><"
Panadols maximum 8 biji per day.. Nescafe got limit d ma?? ><"

Me: Hey, do we need to type a status in fb 1st, just in case we tak tahan, then just one click, the status will be posted out, then jiu got people come save us le..
XX: En lo.. No need type 119 and make the call.. Got the location stated there also. lol

At 6am+ only went nap a while..
9am have to meet the temporary SV.. He fixed the time one..
T.SV: Okay! We make it at night la..
Me: At night?? ^^
T.SV: Yes, 9am..
Me: ><"
Set the alarm at 8am.. Not managed to get up..
Set it again on 8.15am.. =="
Again on 8.30am.. ><"
Reached faculty at 9.20am but he was not there yet. Walao.. =="
And he finally showed up at 10am..
He said he is angry with the management of hostel here.. lol
Then speechless to our project progress kut.. lol
We all left at 11am.. He wants us report to him everyday leh. ><"
But we know it is good for us la.. He is trying to help us also.. =)

XX: Later 1am we watch Walking Dead lo??
Me: Don't want. 1am still watch it, then tomorrow we will be walkers already. lol
XX: lol
TWO minutes before the submission is closed, I submitted it.. lol
Gou gou li lo.. ><"
Whatever la. At least I've submitted something. =)
Starting from 8pm+.. 9pm.. 10pm+.. XX kept saying "Do ur report lo", "Don't chat lo".. lol
Thanks XX.. lol

P/s: I've 1 more Nescafe Original now.. lol
P/s: Be strong. =) It hurts and I am bang xiong. Sorry XX.
P/s: Cannot go back with XX, XX and XX lu. Takpe, back alone lo, also not the first time ge la. Haix. Will be rush ba that morning. Have to check out, and return device to the lab. Gai lo.. ><"
P/s: Wakakaka. I flower-hearted. I didn't find XX for quite a long time le. Both didn't chat to each other also. lol
P/s: How good if I have warm blankets.. and pillows. lol
P/s: Only Chi Hui and Chui came visit us in room nia. lol
P/s: Fool XX today. XD

17 October 2012

Black 17/10/2012

A bit sleepy now.. Haix
Not very happy today..
Macam pergi mana pun bad luck saje.. =(

Bad luck starts yesterday..
The door for PSM lab is locked..
We went YDK.. Suddenly thousands of people came in, they have class..
So we kena halau la.. Haix. Siasui.. =(
It is so hard for us to find a good environment to do our things.. with plugs, lights, and internet.. =(
At last we went C5 study room.. But with no internet access there.. ><"

Midnight.. Didn't sleep very well..
It was so cold there, and dunno should sleep with what pose..
Whole night just sleep wake sleep wake, tossed and turned nia.. Haix..
So today wake up with a big big pimple on my face.. =(
And I found that my comb is missing.. =(

Then go for brunch at Executive cafe..
After that tried settle pasal hostel.. kat Jabatan Bendahari..
The bad bad luck day starts then..
Wasted time waiting for KK1 office to open..
Then haix..
Then haix..
Then haix..
Then still haix.. =(
Tried to take the Kad Siswa, but not available yet..
Again dunno why.. ><"

We went KK1 office..
Went find chemistry lecturer..
Went KK4 office..
Then it rained heavily!! haix!!
Then we went KK3 office..
Went KK1 office.. @.@
I dunno why we so bad luck today.. ><"

Went faculty to find lecturer to sign for devices and intern..
He was not there..
Sms him.. no reply..
Sms again, no reply also.. =(
Finally found him at about 6pm..
But it is too late already..
The officer in Block Y fong gong already.. =(

Asked lecturer about the 20% submission..
And finally he wants to see it on Friday 9am!!!!!

P/s: Luckily we still have an umbrella today.. although still get wet. Hopefully XX won't fall sick. =)
P/s: Actually we might stay with XX's friend.. But we tak kenal dia, so not good to go tumpang.. haix
P/s: Arrgh~~ I DISLIKE 17/10/2012!!!
P/s: Today met Ah Miao, Chio's gf and the senior. =)
P/s: Yesterday met Khim, and took "Walking Dead S3E1" from him. ^^
P/s: Today is just so...........depressive. ='( Dunno what's wrong with it.. Why it end up like this.. =(
P/s: I want PARTY!! I don't want fyp..............

26 September 2012


Still feel quite tired today.. ><"
Saturday bagi tau..
Sunday depart.. @@
Monday jumpa supervisor..
Tuesday balik. LOL
Suddenly go, suddenly back. @@

This is the first journey that I keep both my eyes opened..
First time didn't sleep in car.. lol
But still.. can't recognize the road.. =P

Sunday night met XXXs and then had dinner at E's Garden..

Monday merayau-rayau, went meet XX and had ABC together in Gambang.. =P
Kesian me, left everything in car.. no water, no atm card, no tissue.. ='(
And didn't bring umbrella out, hot die.. ><"
Then met supervisor..
Had dinner at XX's house.. Thanks to her mum.. ^^
At night went TC.. and I finally had my first cup of Chatime.. wakakaka XD
Suddenly strong wind.. and sebiji pasir kena tuip into my red bean drinks.. @@
Midnight slept, but I insomnia a bit.. Ish.. ><" Then pimples come out. T__T

我:(喝一口) 有沙.. ><" 红豆沙.. XD

Tuesday went Chan Poh for it dimsum but it not yet open, yuan lai it only open in the evening on weekdays.. lol
Then jiu went for the curry mee near Satay Zul.. haha. I this time ordered curry mihun leh.. CURRY leh.. XD
Stomach felt warm until noon, coz of the curry. @@
Back UMP again and we were not managed to get what we want.. haix

"戴matric card咧.. NOOB!!"
"骑脚踏车咧.. NOOB!!"
"穿包鞋咧.. NOOB!!"
"穿formal咧.. NOOB!!"

Left at noon.. Dropped XX at Bersepadu Selatan.. They said the bus station is just like an airport. Haha
Fetched XX, went Kajang for satay.. yum yum~ lol
Sent XX home.. Then my turn..
At bla bla highway kena tangkap gambar tim.. lol
如果车速快过相机快门咧?? XD
Macam "Fast and Furious", they want the car speed faster than the CCTV so that it can't capture their face. lol (Y)

Reached home time macam very kolian..
Family went out already, and I do not have the keys to go in.. lol
First time climbed the gate.. @@
But I like the experience.. XD
Dulu-dulu heard friend said she climb the gate, since then I also wish that I could have the chance to do so.. Macam very yeng. LOL
Sorry for disturbing my family's dinner.. =(
The night was cold.. especially after bath. Cold dao.. ><"
XX still laughed at me said I was so stupig.. haix

Smelled dao some bla bla smell..
Tahan nafas tahan till I want suffocate dy.. @@
TWICE leh that smell.. T__T
I wanna pengsan dy.. ><"

P/s: Yeah.. Chatime. ^^ I faster than XX to have the first Chatime. XD
P/s: What happened to XX? Macam kesian saje.. haha
P/s: Thought can meet XXXs, but didn't make it at last. lol
P/s: Tuesday MPP election leh.. Why don't we go vote also d.. =(
P/s: 想很多如果,也想很多过去.. lol
P/s: Wa.. 暖心 ah.. I remember XX said this song nice..
P/s: Climb gate.. lol XD
P/s: Thank you very much to everyone la. ^^
P/s: Thought can make XX cry tim.. ish.. WHY U DON'T CRY!!!!! haha
P/s: Finally reload my 016 le.. lol

02 August 2012


Haix.. 突然就八月了,不是很喜欢八月.. =(

今天就只有三个人重考罢了,Kathryn、Yamin和我.. lol
Fail了,还差过之前.. lol
Walao~ 夸张到~ 似乎.. 我fail是应该的.. lol
今天走路去考试,XX跟我一起走,不懂她有没有不习惯咧,毕竟她之前都是坐车的.. 哈哈

考完后去按钱+找吃,KK1 cafe只开了一档printer的罢了,还好Ina有开,不然我们就真的只能吃屎了!lol..
午餐 = Mamee快熟面 + Milo..
Yeah~ 我的食物清完了~ ^^
还吃了冰淇淋~ ^^
也发现了KK4玩pool的地方,但是要RM2(不懂多少个token)才能玩一个game.. =="
为什么学校设备不是免费的?Jiaksai!! lol
一个学生一天不能玩超过三个game.. =="

面子书的朋友说他今天看到我.. lol
可惜我真的不认得他,只认得他朋友,但是又不认识他朋友.. 复杂~ =="

结果我就引它去远远,引它下楼,再快快从另一个楼梯跑回房.. Wakakakaka
大腹便便,上不了楼梯吧?Wakakakaka. XD
这些猫饿的时候,可怜的还是没斋戒的我们.. haix~ XD

P/s:早上一次过喝了两包咖啡,心跳加速,搞到我很怕的感觉.. lol. 还有大便的feel~ =="
P/s:PTPTN没钱了.. 快点进钱给我啦.. T__T
P/s:今天是Lucas生日哦.. =)


继《护花危情》之后就开始追看《回到三国》,看到《回4》时那个file有问题,看不到,所以又dl过.. 所以那时就看着《飞虎》现..
《护》演员出现在《回》,《回》演员又出现在《飞》.. @.@

有些part,《回》真的看到我热泪盈眶.. lol. 我也不懂做么.. =="
但是有些part又真的很gay一下.. 为什么单纯的表达佩服、欣赏要握住对方的手啊?lol
马国明的角色摆明就是搞笑!lol.. “你对脚已经出卖咗你”.. lol

P/s:在想,是不是应该看《怒火街头2》先咧.. 因为它暂时出了最少集.. Wakakakaka.. XD


我懂他当时的感受,但是还是忍不住很想笑.. Hahahahahaha
上Youtube看了一些人的video,有些真的弄到我很想很想笑.. 哈哈哈

P/s:是啦,我知道我不应该笑的.. lol

31 July 2012

《护花危情》完~ + Dreamweaver 完~

Yeah~ 看完《护花危情》了!! 哈哈
都是因为《回到三国》跟《护》跟《飞虎》一起出,犹豫要看那一套先犹豫了很久.. lol
结果看了一点《三》又转来看《护》.. 慢了..

哇.. 结局就这样了.. ><"


49题,还没做到第五题就已经眼睡到不行了.. @@
都不懂自己在什么情况下做完的.. 哈哈

嗯.. Flash决定重考..
这几天一直下戏下到电脑lag到不行.. lol ><"

29 July 2012

3P Farewell

Today eye bengkak + a bit headache.. Coz too late sleep last night or too late wake this morning?? I dunno.. haha

At night just now had a farewell dinner with Sam, our 3P instructor at TC McD there..
Had a small but long gaming time.. @@
I guessed two answers correctly, and get the present..
But since I didn't contribute any gift, so jiu returned back the present to them le, so others can get it.
But I dunno who get it at last, and what's inside.. haha
Nevermind.. Not mine means not mine, no need to know what is inside. lol

Went Witchery Ider also before going McD.. haha
Then said bye bye in heart to Kuantan dy.. as this most probably is the last time that I am in Kuantan.. Bye2 la Kuantan.. =)
And soon have to say bye2 to UMP also le, although next year only we graduate, next year only we convo..

P/s: I kenakan Sam.. lol
P/s: I wasted Betty's punishment liao. haix. Sorry~ =(
P/s: Balik that time sifu drive so fast!! The strong wind made my right face kebas dy!! Ish.. ><"
P/s: Planned wanna walk on the beach at least for a while d, but at last I also didn't make it. haix

25 July 2012

《春娇与志明》完~ + 25/7/2012

哈哈哈哈哈.. 我看旧电影《春娇与志明》,几个月前的电影..
还没看第一集就先看续集了.. lol
前面前面那里有个人被车撞,我重看时还是被吓到了.. =="


今天又在考试时睡着.. ><"
明明今天早上我也是有喝咖啡.. @.@

有得回家,难道哭丧着脸咩.. =="

P/s:我觉得我怪怪的.. =X
P/s:倒数一星期~ ^^

24 July 2012

Pou Starbucks

How good if there is a Starbucks near KK4 here..
Then I can go there pou everyday..
With my laptop and books.. XD
Just like XX.. Seems like he went there with homework.. and friends. Haha
Yor.. Envy him for the environment there.. =(

Arrgh.. Bo lui bo lui.. T.T
Just paid XX for the bayaran petrol.. Now pokai liao.. ><"
Why pxxxa now geh..
Makes me have to go Gambang lunch everyday, pokai faster!! T.T

*Change mood*

Yeah yeah~
1 more week 1 more week..
1 more week then jiu boleh balik dah.. ^^
Looking forward to packing leh..
Excited to see all my stuffs can fit into the luggage. XD

23 July 2012


Mmg kns..