L: 朋友们》》 "emo" 这词被你们滥用了~~
Y: Emo is actually a subculture, a genre of music, and a clothing style.
it doesn't stand for anything, it's just the name of a subculture.
But, nowadays people short form it to become "emo" = "emotional" , actually when people say u emo mean your emotional is disturbed or depressed . So , it doesn't attacking you or frustrating you . You don't have to feel bad or something else, just make it easy.
it doesn't stand for anything, it's just the name of a subculture.
But, nowadays people short form it to become "emo" = "emotional" , actually when people say u emo mean your emotional is disturbed or depressed . So , it doesn't attacking you or frustrating you . You don't have to feel bad or something else, just make it easy.
L: 我的鹿朋友山猪:很多时候,当一个人说你二毛时,他就是说着你又情绪化了;而众所周知,情绪化的人并不是人人都愿意靠近他的。换言之,他是那么地善变、情绪那么地不稳定。。这种种都将会是他们所说的二毛所带来的意思,而并不是说,单纯的认为二毛》》是种情绪上有了变化、被干扰等,如此而已。。。
*二毛 = emo
真得好厉害哦!! L,为你鼓鼓掌!! =)
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