10 November 2012


今天单单收拾我房间就搞了半天了.. 累~~
我把床架换掉了,房间顿时宽广了一点.. =P


之前有人说 "什么爱是有缘啦! 爱是有钱!!!"

07 November 2012


昨天开了包Munchy's Muzic巧克力威化来吃..
然后晚上XX说他肚子痛lao sai一天了,我笑他..
叫他吃多点巧克力,热气了,便秘了,就不会再泻了嘛.. =P
结果报应就来了.. T.T

今天醒来豆沙包那样大的痘痘蹦了出来,看不顺眼,就挤了一下.. 红了..
结果爸一看到我就用omg的语气问 “你的脸做么?! ”.. T.T
然后一直提醒我喝 “喝绿豆啦.. 你的脸酱...” T.T
什么叫“你的脸酱..”!!!!! Haix.. =(
妈也是.. =(

大大粒的!还很痛.. ><"
第一次长会痛的痘痘.. haix
好像每次笑他,我都会有报应.. ><"

P/s:我知错了.. lol


哇.. 268km/h?? 那还要多快才不会被拍到?lol


可是就是还会去想!! =.=


刚才翻了整叠报纸都没看到那标志.. ><"
Is it REAL or is it a DREAM?? @.@
Both kut.. It is real-ly a dream.. =.="

P/s:不要再给我梦到类似现实生活的东西了!我分不清.. @.@

06 November 2012


哇,今天有人找我.. 开心~ ^^
但是我又很坏.. hehe..


有XX的前女友.. 哈哈
可是我们当时用的是“旁门左道”.. So paiseh to tell leh.. ><"
也没怎么帮到她好像.. ><"
其实都忘得9 9 10 10了..
但是却还install回那个software,试着记起.. 好像有点好人的feel~
她还懂我叫hui xin哦~
不然这junior也不会来找我.. =.="

有时干了好事后,总会觉得“哇.. 我人好好哦~” ^^
可是同一瞬间更会觉得的“靠!虚伪~”.. ><"
怎么会这样~ ><"


很久很久前则是每晚12am后.. 靠!
就算不睡也不想聊天.. haix

可是.. haix.. 现在就 #%@&%^& 了咯.. ><"

P/s:不认识的网友.. 可悲~ ><"

05 November 2012

被美食围绕着长大 + 孖仔猪肠粉


Oh.. 这个猪肠粉,我没吃过。lol
妈啦,常说那里有很多老鼠什么的,都不带我去看一下那里的老鼠.. =="
要拿编号的,但是我都没拿过.. =(
下次吵去这里先.. XD
真的拉肚子才算.. =P

Oh.. 这东东在德记酒家对面..
它的花生糖我吃过,有点不一样,就有点咸咸的.. =P
家人赞好吃,尤其是妈.. =.="
XX说他有朋友在那里工作过.. 就 erhem!! 听说的,不知道.. =)

这.. 哈哈..
小时候吃过花生糊,好像只有那100零1次.. lol
几个月前Kar Leong也跟我去帮衬过他的machi.. lol
下雨天吃花生糊会不会比较爽?热热嘛.. XD

这个前几天在看某个blog写到.. lol
它只开晚上.. 夜市.. lol

4星?我要吃吃看先.. =P

以前哥好像说是他朋友开的,是吗?不知道啦.. @.@
以前曾常买,但是现在很久都没再吃过了.. lol
每次都会买埋那里某大树下的mi tai mug的..
炎炎夏日吃炸鸡、炸年糕、炸番薯,外加mi tai mug.. 哇~ XD
但是那档东西不懂去哪了.. 那树下也好像空了.. =(
我都快不记得mi tai mug长什么样了!><"

大树脚 again.. Again and again.. lol
好像介绍怡保食物的都有它份.. lol =.="


P/s:成绩好过关丹的?上次关丹的3星居多(甚至还有2星的!! ><"),这里4星咧..
P/s:我真幸福~ ^^ 被美食围绕着长大.. LOL


昨早去万里望吃孖仔猪肠粉咧.. lol
可是有很好吃吗?呵呵.. 我觉得.. 就那样咯.. Hehe
11am到,就吃.. 自己捧的!! =.="

弟说我们这里的香港猪肠粉比它好吃.. lol..
嗯,除了个人觉得它的酱油蛮咸之外,都不错啦那HK肠粉,里面的虾也ok.. =P 没记错的话,HKcf还比MZcf热.. lol
妈说没很贵,RM2.50的冬菇汁肠粉,curry猪皮的RM3.00.. lol. 她之前不懂谁听说MZ很贵.. =.="

临走之前偷拿的卡片.. XD

右下角的是Nasi Lemak??
我听到有人order nasi lemak哦.. 早知道吃它啦.. lol

P/s:爸把车泊到101条街那么远.. ><" 真不懂体贴.. (我不是说我,车上有老人家.. haix)


差点喷饭昨晚.. =="
妈:那件新开的.. 请人卖猪肉哦..
我:Neh.. 叫他去做啦..
妈:有n个女的.. bla bla bla..
我:噢~ 你就对不起巴刹那个猪肉妹了..
我:*暗爽,心想:哈哈,你输了* XD
我:*差点喷饭* ><"
Kanasai.. 酱都给他想到隔壁的!Ish.. ><"

02 November 2012




01 November 2012

新闻简讯.. LOL

嗯.. 好像有好多东西想要买哦..
为 $$ 烦恼啊~ ><"

1. 钱包
说要换新的也说好久了.. ><"

2. S3?? =P
XXXXXs都是Galaxy S用户咧..
我也要挤身S行列.. XD
再 + 一次旅行的话,很可能,就没钱回学校了.. ><"
所以又好像不是很应该买个这么智慧的手机来做普通手机也能做的事.. ><"
可是普通手机我又看不上眼啊.. =((((
挑自己喜欢的外形,需要+想要的hardware + software,然后店家把它凑在一起..

Dinner喔.. @.@

4. 日用品:Shampoo、洗脸霜...
都快用完了,又是出血的时候了.. T.T

5. iPad/Tab?? XD
这暂时只能空想.. =(
如果有一天真的买了,就要逼着爸妈学玩.. XD

6. 相机
可是拿 1000++ 来买相机, 倒不如买架S3更好!haix
S3.... T.T

7. 球鞋
好想去跑步哦.. =(

P/s:发hiao搽wax.. XD


前阵子无意间发觉同学的MSN pm..
Stressed is just desserts if you can reverse.


XX:他常常讲错话,青瓜讲成香蕉.. 我怀疑他有parkinson..
我:是呱.. 你也有老人痴呆咯,你把老人痴呆讲成parkinson..
XX:><" 你也讲你喜欢爆筋咯,其实你是喜欢猪肉妹的哥哥,猪肉佬..
==" 常常跟着我讲话的笨蛋.. lol


XX:我发觉怡保人都很nice的咯.. 很善良,就好像Woon Phui..
XX:就Perak啦.. 还有Ah Miao啊.. 就除了你..
我:... 难怪你选Jun Lun.. lol
我有很坏吗.. 我其实也很善良的.. 只是你没看见罢了.. *手指转圈圈* lol


For the first month only.. RM5/month after that..
所以我贪爽就签购了,一个月了再stop掉它.. XD

Oh.. 这我懂一点点!这两天发hiao看财经.. lol. 昨天和今天的报纸才说Aeon否认收购,导致它的股市下跌.. 现在回升了咯?XD. 迟点(12月4号) Sri Manjung又多一间Aeon了哦,股价又再升升升了咯?lol
4个月半?如果底薪1000,那一个人就能多拿4500了咯?? omg~ (Y)
可以提早实行吗?明年就不是S3而是S4了咯.. ><"
吼~ 想不到会看到那三个字!XD
鼠疫?美国最近还真的多灾多难啊.. ><"

31 October 2012


想到.. 虽然说时间会冲淡一切,但是..
除了现在,毕业那一天,他一定会再伤心多一次的.. Haix
加油吧,朋友的朋友.. lol

2012下半年是daddy killer?? ><"

报纸说,两天五宗六命.. ><"


今天XX有点“omg~ 做么你还穿着它?”的feel..
普通白衣罢了哦.. 穿了会不好??

Omg~ 有影响的??
今天穿着午觉,也发了好多好多梦哦.. @.@ lol



这玩意儿好久都没碰了.. ><"

中文字.. 方块字.. 用铅笔?XD
我的字.. 哈哈。我的字很美的.. XD
隔壁的字斜,我的字也跟着斜一边.. lol =P

今天午觉醒来,突然有那么一刻厌恶自己的指甲,想剪掉它.. ><"


Wa.. I ate this Pot Rice before neh!! XD
8.45pm felt hungry..
9.00pm ate tong shui..
9.45pm felt hungry again.. =="

Arrgh.. Tomorrow November le!!
我不想~ 我不想~ 不想长大~~ ><"


Ngam ngam get to know a bad news from friend..
Really dunno what to say le.. ><"
May God bless them..

P/s: Be strong. =)


Today did something good also.. =)
I helped XX asking for a good private dental clinic in Kuantan..
She thanked me, but Yew Chong only is the one helpful lo.. haha
"Your messages will be sent to Lai's phone".. Good one!! (Y)
Thought he will only reply me in hours..
But receive his messages in bout 5 minutes nia..
You're so helpful!! lol
Telling the location clearly that I roughly know bout it too even though I am such a 路痴.. lol
Again thanks to the helpful guy although I am not the one benefit from it. =)

29 October 2012

..... - 29/10/2012

Hahahahaha.. 终于可以上网了~ 两个字,开心~ ^^
当了一整个星期早睡的乖宝宝.. XD

还有我自己剥了皮、去了籽,冷冻了的葡萄.. XD
哇~ 好有口福.. ^^

结果晚餐真的有lala咧.. XD
我:咦.. 同居?XD
我:嗯啦,两只住在一个贝壳里咧.. XD
弟:同居.. 同居.. 同居..
弟:离家出走.. 同居.. 离家出走.. 同居.. 同居..

P/s:To XX,你可以怀疑我,但请别怀疑/批评我家人的厨艺。要讲也应该由我来讲,轮不到你.. 谢谢!


我:报警。你一定是捡回来的.. lol

P/s:S3啊.... ><"
P/s:是不是还好我不会驾车?不然可能真的搬一台回家了.. XD


我:还要有鬼佬的.. 我要每天早上醒来都看到..
XX:if anything u need help, u r always welcome. i do whatever i can do for u....

P/s:Hiao~ lol XD
P/s:Waseh XX, u so niceeeeeeeee~ XD


今天帮我弄牙的,自己也在绑牙.. lol
总觉得她是大学刚毕业.. 有点紧张?lol
可是她的胸.. 顶到我的头了啦!!!!! Ish...
Jiak sai!!! ><"

如果我拿了学校的surat pengakuan,我就不用付RM5.00的registration fee了..

够够力的久.. ><"
之前之前最久也是一个小时就可以走人了.. ><"

待机状态.. 裤袋内.. 发热..
Walao!! 超怕它会爆炸咧.. ><"
快快拿出来关机.. ><"
会不会.. 它以为我要S3不要它了?=(




i n her ald got agreement, we hav our own fren, if we not believe each other means no TRUST lo.. no TRUST together also no meaning la

信任.. 你做得到吗?lol

P/s:什么做法比较好?好像潜意识的远离了.. lol
P/s:FB message又不一样了哦.. lol
P/s:今天十五,月亮不是特别亮,但是很美,有Halloween feel~ XD

25 October 2012

..... - 25/10/2012

好可怜啊在家.. 天气热又没线.. T.T
害我好想UMP的好.. lol
UMP哪里都有线的!Library、hostel、cafe、课室.. lol
可是家里.. T.T
有时真的好想好想搞一个broadband回家.. Haix
也好想好想弄多个external harddisk回来.. lol

8GB罢了!!! 8GB怎么生存!!! haix
还好现在也有回38GB.. 欣慰.. =)


晴天霹雳 x 1
Omg~ 晴天霹雳~ ><"
我:这么快?我接受不到咯!啊~ 为什么.. ><"
听说XX找到了.. 哈哈. Congrate~
前几天也听说某faculty的小小粒跟大大只在一起了.. Congrate~ ^^


晴天霹雳 x 2

Omg~ 皮肤癌哦!><"
Take care la 偶像~ =)

P/s:人家难得看报纸.. haix


还有许廷铿的《面具》!是广东版的.. lol =.=


9ml罢了,好mini哦.. 哈哈
我们家总共有三瓶哦!贪心.. ;P


有是有啦,但是弟不在,没人陪我吃.. =(

22 October 2012


Reached home safely le.. ^^
Thanks to all those who helped us within these few days d. Thanks a lot.

Thanks to Woon Phui and KamYoke for the room, bed sheet, transports and meals..
Thanks to Mushroom for the shampoo, slippers, and everything.. U are with me no matter what sui yeh happened. LOL
Thanks to Chi Hui for the outing, kacao and everything.. =P
Thanks to Ah Chui for the outing, breakfast, slippers, sending me to bus stop, and everything.. =)
Thanks to Weng Khim for the movies, chatting, outing, and the prawns.. lol
Thanks to Wei How for the chatting and outing.. =P
Thanks to Herbert for the kacao.. U are bising. lol
Thanks to Kelvin for the chatting.. next time only jio u ya.. lol
Sorry to Qing Fu, can't recognize u TWICE!!! Ish.. ><"

P/s: XX and XX want 大红花 for their convo wo.. I want 太阳花 ya.. XD
P/s: Suddenly feel that XX and XX are childish.. Haha XD

Paragon + Music Stars + Tong Pak Fu

About 1 hour ago, I just reached my room, backed from Kuantan.. XD
It was over 12am already. Hehe
Tak kena kompaun sebab I tinggal kat KK1 hostel.. lol

This time outing with different gang..
Ada Chui, Mushroom, Khim and Wei How..

Went Paragon as Chui's wish..
Khim said he think he know the place after looking at the google map.. lol
We bet.. if he can't bring us there successfully, then he have to belanja.. lol
The address online is at Jalan Haji Ahmad 5..
We can't find it, yuan lai it is at Jalan Haji Ahmad 2.. lol
Just next to the Fatty Sticker.. haha XD
We reached too early le, it opens at 7pm.. lol
Almost full leh.. So many people eat there d meh??
Hmm.. Seem ng gan dan. lol

Eat ha eat ha, feel a bit spicy leh.. lol ><"
It is a Thai restaurant.. Got BBQ steamboat d..
This is my first time eat BBQ steamboat leh.. Yuan lai is like this d.. XD
Here use arang d leh, not like others using gas d.. lol
That area got many Chiang Mai TomYam.. Chiang Mai massage.. Chiang Mai Chiang Mai~ lol =.=
Khim helped us mok ha leh.. XD Thank you la.. ^^
I also know mok ha using spoon and fork d lo.. lol
Eat till the end, then dong fun became sooooo salty. ><"

Went sing K after that.. Music Stars..
Hmm.. Always got people said who who who sing dao very nice..
This time also got o.. En la.. you are not the first person saying this le..
Mushroom can sing very well!!! lol

Sent Mushroom to XX's house..
Then went Tong Pak Fu.. XD
Hehe.. This is also my first time makan Tong Pak Fu..
Yuan lai it is near JJ Kimbab there d.. lol
Closed at 12am.. And we sat till 12am.. lol
Chui chose coffee d, Khim ordered mango d, I ate durian d, and Wei How kiwi d.. And he felt damn kanasai for that.. Hahahahahahaha
Mine 1 is the most expensive one leh.. ><"
Felt like wanna eat black sesame d, but Chui said XX eat that last time.. Then dunno why I jiu choose another flavour le.. lol
Eat till so cold leh.. I shivered.. ><" Luckily nobody noticed it I think.. =P
And I saw BlackBall.. XD
But just passing by la, next time cai go eat ba.. XD

Mushroom back le..
I have no slippers to go bath le.. ><" Thanks Chui lend me a pair of slippers. =)
But I forgot to return her the cloth hanger leh.. How how how?? ><"
The opposite room yuan lai really got people d, saw the girl just now..
A bit scare tim. Dunno what she did.. making so much noise.. lol
And killed an insect in bathroom.. Busuk leh that insect. ><"
Sorry la, I scared you fly to me, so better kill you first before you attack me. ><"
A bit scare.. Coz XX said KK1 no people jaga 1.. lol

P/s: When XX meet S2, it is photo shooting time then. lol
P/s: Yuan lai got passion fruit canned drinks d.. lol
P/s: Second time outing with no bags.. Yesterday was the first. lol
P/s: RM10 left.. ><"
P/s: Cham lo. Did nothing these few days. What to report to Aziman on Monday ha?? ><"
P/s: Slept and woke in headache mode.. But it cures automatically after outing?? lol

21 October 2012

The Thieves + Sinister + Walking Dead S3E1

Sien la.. lazy mau buat xxm.. lol
Yesterday outing with Chi Hui, Mushroom and Alan..

Yesterday morning time attend the talk for LI..
Early dao~~
7am jiu awake le, coz too cold.. ><"

Went makan at the pasar there 1st..
Pasar pasar.. Yuan lai I ate there before leh!!
During CNY publicity time.. XD

Watched two movies in 1 day..
"The Thieves" and "Sinister"..
"The Thieves"...  Last time read about this movie in newspaper, know got Korean, HK stars and Msia artist take part in this movie.. Is about two gang of thieves ............ d la.. lol
"Sinister"... This is the movie watched dao I headache!! Ish.. No geli scene la..

Me: "Sinister" ok ma??
XX: Dunno..
Me: Y u dunno d.. ><"
XX: I didn't watched pun..
Me: =="

Watched "Walking Dead S3E1" just now.. XD
Woo.. Syok. XD
Today will have E2 le ba?? =P

P/s: I know I should do homework today d la.. Haix
P/s: Nightmare.. Dreamed dao XX wrote me in his blog, saying my bad things.. lol ><"
P/s: Don't wanna find XX dy. Fei si let people say I fan. lol
P/s: Ulcer in my mouth.. I think.. lol

20 October 2012

18/10/2012 - 19/10/2012

Macam long time dah tak update my blog.. lol
I also dunno what had happened these few days..

Last night is the most geng one..
Yesterday (Thursday) morning went Gambang for breakfast and ordered a cup of Kopi ais..
Met XX there, and I almost cannot recognize him!! ><"

XX: He is...
Me: Oh.. No wonder he kept looking at us just now la..
XX: He got said Hi to u ah just now when we came in..
XX & Me: Got meh..?
Me: Just now I just thought "oo.. got a secondary school student sitting alone there"..
XX & XX: Yalo yalo. I thought he is just a student wearing secondary school uniform nia leh..
XX: I though is an uncle..
XX & XX & Me: ><"

Hide in PSM lab for the afternoon till 5pm..
Went KK4 for dinner and after that had 1 tin of Nescafe Original~ at 6pm.
Then stayed in library for the night till 10pm.. XX bising!! And yuan lai XX got da gei d.. lol
Balik bilik and came out for "double ayam saje" in cafe, and had 1 tin of Nescafe Mocha.. at about 11pm.

Went bath.. This was the second time I bath in KK1 kut on Thursday..
Got water heater here leh.. Syok lo..
1st time.. the water heater rosak, so the water is not warm at all.. ==" ok lo, takpe.. =)
2nd time.. water heater okay, but the bathroom tersumbat and flood like hell!! @.@ Finally tak tahan and went to the bathroom next to it. ><" Geli sial~ @&*!^*&$
3rd time.. It happened just now.. Wait till nak kencing only willing to go bath. Went 3rd floor.. No water there, dunno what's wrong, just whole floor no water, fine~ ==" We went upstairs, and there are 2 more bathrooms available there, in which 1 of them is the "FLOOD LIKE HELL" one.. ><" We then went 2nd floor, 1st floor and ground floor to look for the bathroom.. Yucks.. ><" Just not feel like wanna take bath is such room such environment. Finally we climb to the 4th floor again.. @.@ Walao. Have to tahan kencing and tahan laugh leh.. ><" We visited all the bathrooms in the whole block!! @.@

After bath, backed to my seat and FB CHAT!! @.@
Kanasai lo.. Chatted till 3am, XX tak tahan and went sleep. ><"
12am++ until 3am.. The conversation message increased to 1000++. Haha
Today the amount increased to 2000++ already. lol
Some close friends that I kenal for few years already just have few hundreds conversation messages between us nia leh..
Erm.. current record is 22000+ with XX, second is 20000+ with XX.. lol

Then only I started with my work..
Had another tin of Nescafe Mocha at about 3am+ kut.. ><"
XX said we had 3 tins of Nescafe in 9 hours (6pm-3am)!!!!!! WALAO!! ><"
So scare that I will tak tahan and 吐白沫.. ><"
Panadols maximum 8 biji per day.. Nescafe got limit d ma?? ><"

Me: Hey, do we need to type a status in fb 1st, just in case we tak tahan, then just one click, the status will be posted out, then jiu got people come save us le..
XX: En lo.. No need type 119 and make the call.. Got the location stated there also. lol

At 6am+ only went nap a while..
9am have to meet the temporary SV.. He fixed the time one..
T.SV: Okay! We make it at night la..
Me: At night?? ^^
T.SV: Yes, 9am..
Me: ><"
Set the alarm at 8am.. Not managed to get up..
Set it again on 8.15am.. =="
Again on 8.30am.. ><"
Reached faculty at 9.20am but he was not there yet. Walao.. =="
And he finally showed up at 10am..
He said he is angry with the management of hostel here.. lol
Then speechless to our project progress kut.. lol
We all left at 11am.. He wants us report to him everyday leh. ><"
But we know it is good for us la.. He is trying to help us also.. =)

XX: Later 1am we watch Walking Dead lo??
Me: Don't want. 1am still watch it, then tomorrow we will be walkers already. lol
XX: lol
TWO minutes before the submission is closed, I submitted it.. lol
Gou gou li lo.. ><"
Whatever la. At least I've submitted something. =)
Starting from 8pm+.. 9pm.. 10pm+.. XX kept saying "Do ur report lo", "Don't chat lo".. lol
Thanks XX.. lol

P/s: I've 1 more Nescafe Original now.. lol
P/s: Be strong. =) It hurts and I am bang xiong. Sorry XX.
P/s: Cannot go back with XX, XX and XX lu. Takpe, back alone lo, also not the first time ge la. Haix. Will be rush ba that morning. Have to check out, and return device to the lab. Gai lo.. ><"
P/s: Wakakaka. I flower-hearted. I didn't find XX for quite a long time le. Both didn't chat to each other also. lol
P/s: How good if I have warm blankets.. and pillows. lol
P/s: Only Chi Hui and Chui came visit us in room nia. lol
P/s: Fool XX today. XD

17 October 2012

Black 17/10/2012

A bit sleepy now.. Haix
Not very happy today..
Macam pergi mana pun bad luck saje.. =(

Bad luck starts yesterday..
The door for PSM lab is locked..
We went YDK.. Suddenly thousands of people came in, they have class..
So we kena halau la.. Haix. Siasui.. =(
It is so hard for us to find a good environment to do our things.. with plugs, lights, and internet.. =(
At last we went C5 study room.. But with no internet access there.. ><"

Midnight.. Didn't sleep very well..
It was so cold there, and dunno should sleep with what pose..
Whole night just sleep wake sleep wake, tossed and turned nia.. Haix..
So today wake up with a big big pimple on my face.. =(
And I found that my comb is missing.. =(

Then go for brunch at Executive cafe..
After that tried settle pasal hostel.. kat Jabatan Bendahari..
The bad bad luck day starts then..
Wasted time waiting for KK1 office to open..
Then haix..
Then haix..
Then haix..
Then still haix.. =(
Tried to take the Kad Siswa, but not available yet..
Again dunno why.. ><"

We went KK1 office..
Went find chemistry lecturer..
Went KK4 office..
Then it rained heavily!! haix!!
Then we went KK3 office..
Went KK1 office.. @.@
I dunno why we so bad luck today.. ><"

Went faculty to find lecturer to sign for devices and intern..
He was not there..
Sms him.. no reply..
Sms again, no reply also.. =(
Finally found him at about 6pm..
But it is too late already..
The officer in Block Y fong gong already.. =(

Asked lecturer about the 20% submission..
And finally he wants to see it on Friday 9am!!!!!

P/s: Luckily we still have an umbrella today.. although still get wet. Hopefully XX won't fall sick. =)
P/s: Actually we might stay with XX's friend.. But we tak kenal dia, so not good to go tumpang.. haix
P/s: Arrgh~~ I DISLIKE 17/10/2012!!!
P/s: Today met Ah Miao, Chio's gf and the senior. =)
P/s: Yesterday met Khim, and took "Walking Dead S3E1" from him. ^^
P/s: Today is just so...........depressive. ='( Dunno what's wrong with it.. Why it end up like this.. =(
P/s: I want PARTY!! I don't want fyp..............

15 October 2012


Today kenal a super senior.. lol
Came from Kampar, complaining about too few people around him knows Cantonese.. lol

XX: U know XX??
Me: Yaya, he owayz curse me extend lagi.. Shit him..
XX: Then u wish him change job every half year la. lol. Paling kejam d wish..
Waseh.. so smart this senior!! (Y)
XX.. nyek nyek.. ;-)

Talked bad about XX and XX in front of XX today..
XX said "u dont scare i print screen??".. lol
Then XX and XX also got find me after the hoong hak.. lol
One asked for the UMP address.. =.="
Dunno why will ask dao me.. =.=
Another one asked whether I'm in Ipoh now.. =.=

P/s: Print screen?? He won't d la.. lol
P/s: I remember who he is liao!! I heard his name before!!
P/s: He said he see me before. ><"
P/s: Sent virus to XX already, just like XX sent me virus before.. Made me dc.. lol XD


Suddenly asked dad help me buy bus ticket..
Besok will suddenly back UMP.. ><"
Thanks for those who did help for pasal hostel today.. =)
Thanks Joanne, thanks Kelvin, thanks Ah Chui, thanks Mushroom's ex roommate. Arigatou very much~ lol

Tried call to one of the UMP department today..
But nobody angkat!! Ish..
*calm* =)

Then being told that we have to submit surat rasmi to the office..
And wait for the pengetua of KK to approve..
And this need 3 DAYS!! =.="
Nei gam si gam yat gem geh fuk mou tai dou hai mm dak gah.. Haix..
If I just need the room for 1 day, then have to wait for the approval for 3 days before that..
Then where I gonna sleep for that 3 days ah?? Below the jejantas ah?? =.="

Haiyo. Many days leh..
Mai need lots of clothes lo..
I ngam ngam hou only leh..
Need shampoo.. Need laptop.. Need extension!!! ish... Heavy!!
Gonna have a big luggage then. ><"

XX that day said wait mai him, he maybe Tuesday can back already..
Wait?? Not wait??
Hi?? Bye?? lol

P/s: Burst out rude words.. Luckily no one around.. XD
P/s: Cham lo.. very sempit lo?? Paiseh leh.. ><"
P/s: XX sick d.. Please take care. Sleep more. Sleep in room and sleep in class. XD


Last night kept playing that "shake shake"..
Felt it is too cute already, kept shake it shake it~ lol
Then jiu got few people added me le.. ><"
So after Vdex and ChiHui, got 10 strangers add me..
I approved 9.. lol
So paiseh wake dao XX in the midnight.. Sorry~ XD

Everytime shake it also shake dao people d wo..
Everytime I shake it, also got people shake it at the same time so ngam meh?? =.="
Is it possible shake dao nothing d ha?? lol

Off laptop quite early, but sleep at 2am kut.. ><"
Deng.. no more this kind of stuff la at this period!! ><"

P/s: Stop playing please. Not good for ur finger~ XD
P/s: Did nothing since yesterday!! Sxxx!! ><"

14 October 2012

Their Convo

Convo is over dy.. Haha
But still.. ng guan ngo si.. lol
Saturday got bro stay with me at home..
So takpe la tak leh gi.. hehe
Summore heavy rain on that day..
Even if I was in UMP also bo mood go already la.. lol

Accidentally get to know that got live video on ump website..
I got watch o.. but only for the afternoon session on Saturday only la..
Saw some EE faces and FSKKP faces.. lol

Suddenly think dao..
Erm.. There is no computer fac juniors there to say byebye to those computer fac seniors leh..
I means we this batch of com fac juniors.. lol
All also having intern, and some are just like me.. hehe. Not in ump to farewell them..

Oppz.. I tak kenal juniors leh..
Hmm.. no people is going to farewell me lo then??

XX called me leh yesterday!!
So sorry that I was not in ump.. ><"\
No chance to take photo dy.. =(
Sound like ffk him.. sorry..
If I was there, sure will go find u ah..
But u didn't see me, then faham2 lo.. lol

P/s: Lunar September le tomorrow.. No wonder rain rain and rain everyday la.. 九皇爷诞.. They said d.. lol
P/s: Ish.. XX watched 《Expandable 2》le lo!! ><"
P/s: XX said he is stressed, coz of the job. Hmm.. Learn to de-stress yourself ba. Jia you. =)


Hahahahaha.. Excited!! LOL
Just installed one application.. WeChat..
This is the 5th apps that I've installed.. after Whatsapp, i-SMS, Facebook, Skype.. lol
This is the website.. WeChat
Anyone who got play WeChat d can add me through this QR code ya.. XD

My QR.. XD

Personally think that WeChat has more features than Whatsapp. XD
Whatsapp has emoji..
WeChat has default emotion icons, emoji and tuzki..
Tuzki is.. neh.. the white rabbit that we used to see in MSN leh.. know dancing that 1.. WOW~

I can set "Wifi only" for the connection..
Hopefully it won't auto connect and eat my credits like Whatsapp ba.. lol

Can send voice message..
Can see other's photos..
Can... many things I dunno..
Can create own QR code.. XD
Can scan dao those WeChatters near me.. seem like all chinese geh?? lol
Can add known and unknown friends.. lol
So far I only have 2 friends and 1 stranger in my lists.. STRANGER ah!! lol

Dunno what is the Drift Bottle..
But seem interesting.. XD
Can throw and pick the bottles from the sea and open it..
Some leave a text message inside, some voice message..
Pick dao 1 singing d.. "春天花会开~ 鸟儿自由自在~....." lol

Got a "Shake" function there..
Which is to search the WeChatters who are shaking at the same time too..
I really shake my phone.. Damn!! ><"
This shake not that shake.. ><"
Stupig me.. ><"

Recently update fb status so frequent..
Next time when XXXXXXXs see dao me, sure said me again le.. ><"
Meh wo.. u all have bf..
I only have fb nia.. huiyo

P/s: It is not easy to have an apps that can be installed and used in a Symbian-based handphone without touchscreen d leh.. XD
P/s: One more 新屎坑!! LOL
P/s: Sorry, I'm outdated I know.. lol
P/s: Saw it in OVI before.. Why that time I didn't download....... ><"


Like this song.. 苦恋?? lol


给我一团熊火 试炼我
期望不多 只要得到过
你身旁 那宝座

给我一场洪水 冷静我

顽石哪天变黄金 我可以等
成就 金禧一吻

我一定 最安静


顽石哪天变黄金 我可以等
成就 金禧一吻

头白了 还在等 情人预约在黄昏
期待再苦再难堪 我都会忍
何用 心急手震

12 October 2012

Hong Kong Style + Sek Si Lady

Today saw video shared by friend..
Hong Kong Style leh.. Got casts d leh..
Ada 钱嘉乐、郑伊健、古巨基、曾志伟、贾晓晨、林晓峰、钱国伟..
$$ is so cute, he act the didi.. 99.9% alike!! (Y)
Ekin not bad too, very cute.. XD
曾 alike too!! XD
But JJ.. she dance till .. ><"
So many people shoot her in Youtube. lol ><"

Hong Kong Style~ XD

P/s:换作是我,也会不能看吧?Ish.. ><"
P/s:I wanna watch 《男人如衣服》~ lol


Me: Jiak sai !!
XX: eh~~~~~ sek si lady!!!
LOL.. (Y)
原来 Sai 唱 “ehh~~ 食屎 lady~”.. LOL


XX: *muscle icon* (in Skype)
Me: Dont show me ur muscle.. I know u very dai jek!!!
XX: *angry till explode + hangus icon* (in Skype)
Haha.. cute. ^^

Such a long time didn't gik people le.. XD
And very very long time didn't laugh in front of the laptop le..
This time.. (Y)(Y)

Last weekend did laugh loudly when I was with XX.. ^^
Macam very very long time didn't laugh le.. haix


Just now saw this in fb..
Saying that we can check whether our car got kena saman anot..
Just key in "Polis saman #plate nnumber#" and send it to 15888...
Each message will deduct RM0.20..

Know friend kena saman ma that day..
So curi-curi sent her car number to check..
4 saman leh.. Total up RM1150!!! ><"
Gai lo.. whole month salary gone lo?? ><"

P/s: Our car tak kena. =)


Today.. not that sad le lu..
Can't go then can't go lo..
I yau didn't prepare any gifts.. No point for me to go wat..
Yea.. Correct. Just think like that then ok already. Haha
Just don't open fb these few days, don't see their convo photos then jiu ok le. XD

13th & 14th..
Not only are UMP convo day lo..
Are also the convo days for UPM and UniMAS.. Right?? Haha

P/s: Penang Han Jiang 韩江 College also convo already~ Congrate~ ^^
P/s: Or maybe should I prepare gift and pass it to XX first like XX does?? lol. Erm, cannot also, some dia tak kenal.. ><"


《花千树》not bad.. (Y)
The lyric of chorus part is nice.. =D
Will u ..?? Haha

But then I found that there is a Mandarin version for this song..

遇過 很多很多戀人
害怕 今天挑選這人
你為何沒有等 一早已被困

容祖兒 - 花千樹

作曲:Mattew Tisher, Andrew Ang
監製:舒文@Zoo Music

就怕給你走遍世間 仍可能
疑問宇宙有沒世外桃源 尚要覓尋


遇過 很多很多戀人

害怕 今天挑選這人
你為何沒有等 一早已被困

花滿地 奇樹滿林

遇過 很多很多戀人

害怕 今天挑選這人
你為何沒有等 一早已被困

大概 你也抱歉得很
或你知 事到如今

共你 應該一起的人
美事還未發生 冬天已漸近


容祖儿 - 最后情人

作曲:Mattew Tisher/ Andrew Ang

你想带我去哪里 方向是否已确定

不必急着作决定 你还有时间犹豫



的确是很不容易 所以珍惜遇见你




难道还学不会 怎样去爱人

11 October 2012


Tonight do nothing except facebook. lol
Just installed the FB apps in the phone..
"new toilet bowl" ma..
Syok syok keep play on it lo.. lol


This afternoon read some old posts in bloggy..
Too many XXs already..
Some I can't even remember the XX represents who.. ><"
Wondering who chatted with me on this too.. LOL
Defect of using XXXXX....... ><"


I wish to go leh..
How how how.. ><"
Some friends asked are u coming to my convo..
So sad to tell that I won't be there.. =(
Some even never meet before d leh..
This might be the one and only chance in life leh.. Haix
Zen me ban.. =(

Sad also coz never attend any convo before..
Even sis's convo in UPM.. Haix..
Why why why.. =(
Fate?? Haix

No flowers no bear bear le.. =(
No photos with anyone le.. =(

See le others' convo photos, then only know convo not only have flowers d..
Can have bear bear..
Can have other convo gifts d..
Some people received lots of convo gifts lo!! (Y)

I remember I did ask XX whether she go or not d..
Her answer last time was NO!! ><"
Hmm.. Let's wait and see..
If she upload any photo, then know dy.. ; )

UM jubah = macam blue macam purple
USM jubah = purple??
UUM jubah = blue
What else??
UMP jubah = duck-shit-green.. lol
Can I dye it red?? Haha

P/s: =(


A junior added me today..
Ipohian wo..
Yuan lai he know me..
Coz of pasal XX.. haix ><"

Suddenly realized how old I am..
4th year already.. ><"
Dulu d 2nd year juniors are now 3rd year le.. ><"

08 October 2012


A bit bit emo just now..
Dunno apasal pun.. =="
Feel like putus cinta..
Then ....
How come so many people just like the status d?? Hah!! lol
Btw, some people did cheer me up after the status..
And thanks to those coursemates that leave comments. =)
Thanks Ana, WeyLin, Iqbal, Burn... ^^

Recently keep saying XX putus cinta..
And laugh on it..
Then now I feel it.. lol

Me: Mi..I satt luin o..
Mum: U also never paktor, how satt luin o?
Me: If paktor then satt luin, that is kena dump lo..
Mum: No la.. U facebook too much la..
Me: =.=
Haha.. Normally when I said I satt luin, also no people believe 1.. =="

But get to know some friends have broke up too wo within these few months..
Breaking season?? lol


XX: Urs minimum how many pages??
Me: Huh?? Got minimum 1??
XX: Ya ah. My faculty minimum 30 pages..
Me: WALAO.. @@ (I only have 10 pages for Chapter 3)
XX: Whole thesis minimum 30 pages la..
Me: ><"
Hak dao me tim.. Minimum 30 pages for Chapter 3 only then really 99 lo.. ><"
He said his whole thesis got 60 pages..
Hmm.. Wait and see how many pages I have for mine.. =P
I macam see dao maximum 100 or 150 pages nia.. izit??


Feel so grateful nia..
This weekend.. this few days XX off..
So got people chat with me..
Got somebody to let me kacao.. XD

I did realize that I've talked a lot within these few days.. XD
I've talked more..
I've laughed more.. XD
Thanks XX. ^^


This morning went 新香而浓 breakfast with uncle and grandma..
Always passby, but this is the first time to have meal there leh.. haha
Enjoy listening to uncle.. XD
He memang can talk a lot.. haha

Dunno what is nice there, so asked XX..
He recommended laksa there and so on..
Then XX and XX ordered laksa, XX keep complain about the laksa soup.. Haha
Luckily I chose to eat the same thing with XX.. So called xing muk. XD
Okay la the dry curry hor fun. =)

Then went General Hospital for a while..
So many babies there today.. =="
Heard that it does open on weekends and public holidays too, but just for half day la.. No bad. (Y)

P/s: I wish to go Cambodia too leh.. XD
P/s: Everything agree with uncle.. (Y) XD


XX came visit us today..
Because she is going to get married soon.. (Y)
Yaya.. I have been a long long time didn't attend any wedding dinner le..
No friends no relatives are getting married also.. Haix
Now got la.. ^^
XX said he is happy too.. Same reason. XD

And we both feel that the XX is bla bla bla.. =X lol
Arrgh.. No dress wo.. How how how.. ><"
P/s: Congrate congrate.. ^^

06 October 2012


Wa.. 《Expendable 2》 can dl dy wo.. XD
Come come.. everybody watch with me.. XD
《The Dinosaur Project》 also can dl dy.. but dun wan it.. XD


XX2:(看照片) (语重心长的说) XX1.. 长得丑不是他的错..
哇.. 那一刻真的觉得他好好,感动~
XX2:(继续说) 可是出来吓人就是他不对了.. 哈哈哈
 Haix.. 笑人丑真的很不应该,不管你多美多俊!
谁不想当俊男美女啊.. 那不是他自己能选择的!

P/s:Bear in mind please~


Wa.. I fb inbox Apple today.. lol
Submit thru Moodle?? Can't wo.. ><"
Will open link for us soon ke??
Luckily didn't ask for hardcopy. ^^

A bit bit different in my blog interface dy o.. Hehe
I removed the "About Me" from it dy.. Haha
Btw, I like the font..
And the FeedJit color.. Its theme is Vampire.. lol


有时好像自己毁了自己的形象.. haix
有时少做一些东西,或少说一下话.. =)

05 October 2012


Haha.. XX asked me whether I have anything to buy in the IT Fair..
I simply said earphone..
Then he really came back with earphone leh.. Muackx muackx.. XD
Wat him said that this is my birthday gift for last year and asked for this year d birthday gift.. haha XD

New and old earphones~
Haha. Pink he bought.. lol. Thank you la.. ^^

Bravo XX!!
He successfully did bla bla.. (Y) (Y) (Y)
Love u!! Wakakaka XD

Today start doing Chapter 3.. haix
Actually how should we submit the report to Mr Aziman??
He won't want hardcopy ba??
Hopefully not la.. haix
Actually Chapter 2 haven't done, Chapter 1 haven't do correction d leh.. ><"
Cham lo.. @@

Zhu dong sms XX today, to ask her about her progress.. Haix
Really cham lo..
This time cannot wait die again la!! Ish..
Btw, should we go back to meet Apple?? for what?? haix ><

These two days sleep around 2am and wake at 8am+..
Want ki siao dy..
Want 爆肝 dy.. @@
Luckily I didn't fall sick. ^^

Yesterday saw dao Oppa Ipoh Style leh..
But line cha, not able to watch it, today cai dl dao.. hehe
I will keep a copy of it d.. XD

Oppa Ipoh Style~ XD

XX said I have negative thinking.. @@
Ya meh..
I just don't want u keep dreaming about the nice thing only ma..
So mai tell u things that happen in an opposite way lo..
Like that call negative meh..
Abo keep insigate u meh.. ><"

今天上午大蚝油... ><"
What happened wo.. @@
Lee Kum Kee.. LOL

P/s: 鳌拜.. Haha XD
P/s: Long time didn't talk nonsense dy.. Haix.. Should feel happy or sad?? ><"
P/s: Long time no chatting dy.. Haix

02 October 2012


“我车夜胡拉乌  跟鸡模胡拉乌”~~
MY FM每天都这样唱着.. lol

下次唱K唱Ah Beng Ah Lian 如花 版咯?lol
好听咧《胡闹》.. ^^
纯粹喜欢,不是因为歌词,也不是因为MV.. =P


Pokai just now.. T__T
我已尽量避开它了,可是它还是来了.. T.T
还跌到了.. T.T
真tmd.. 起身时它就黏在我的衣袖.. T.T
呜呜呜.. 我pokai啊.. T.T
呜呜呜.. 人家冲完凉干干净净的啊.. T.T

P/s:可以狠狠地说一句“以卵击石 自取灭亡”吗?lol
P/s:Wuwu.. Pokai ah.. T.T


有没有发觉.. 忙起来,就谁也不想了?哈哈
有时会等某人上线 或什么的..
但是认真起来时,就算看到他上线,也没觉得怎么样了.. 哈哈哈
是手头上的事比他重要 还是我戒掉他了?

P/s:两个都是吧.. XD


《女孩坏坏》前几天也有得下了,但是这个不下了,没想看的feel.. lol


P/s:穷~ =(
P/s:Hungry~ =(
P/s:Sleepy.. Good night. =)

01 October 2012


《低俗喜剧》这四个字是用了偏正修辞手法.. lol
有杜文泽、田XX (杜的老婆)、郑丹瑞、雷宇扬、郑中基、林雪、杨千桦、薛凯琪、邵音音、麦玲玲.. 有些我不懂名字的.. 那女的不懂叫什么名..
田在电影里饰演杜离了婚的老婆.. haha

哈哈.. 电影里不少粗口,但是还好啦,没粗到哪里去..
不习惯 / 不喜欢粗口的人会讨厌吧?
有些真的讲到很快咯.. 我听不及.. @.@

喜欢有郑中基的镜头.. 好笑.. 哈哈
又是他那郑氏腔.. XD
尤其是吃野味的那一幕.. LOL

我爱港片~ XD
以前朋友说我哈香.. 应该是哈港才对吧?lol
那时 (form 5) 开始大家都哈韩了,TVXQ TVXQ的..
只有我哈港.. 哈到现在.. lol

P/s:为什么报道说它票房不错哈?还好过不懂哪个影帝的什么电影.. 真的因为电影里的粗口?? 搞不懂.. @@
P/s:有点sien.. 做么要用talk的形式来拍.. @@
P/s:Arrgh.. 十月了!! October dy!! =(


Just get an event invitation in fb..
It's a form 6 classmate's convo.. haha

p/s: a reason for u to come: u will never c me grad the 2nd time, so have to treasure it la, LOL =P
This is what he wrote for the event description, which I think it is so meaningful and pointful (got point). haha

Yuan lai UKM guys convo on 23th Oct..
UMPians are on next week leh.. 13th Oct..

P/s:Convo应该去吗?XX asked me go o.. 怪怪的.. So paiseh.. How how how?? @.@
P/s:Cut my finger nails today~ XD

29 September 2012


容祖儿的《华丽之后》也有的下了.. XD
But is in mandarin d.. =="
还有tmd.. 昨天的《低俗喜剧》竟然从头开始!! $@*&%@&

在嘴里含了一下,臭臭的.. 超想吐出来的
可是两个小时了,它似乎还在我的喉咙.. ><"
嘴里总好像臭臭的.. T__T
刷牙时想把它吐出来又吐不出.. =(
怎么办.. ><"
卡着我喉咙,又有味道.. ='(

什么牛.. @@

Go play this and see what u get..
Actually I almost fail the test.. haha
XX大跌眼镜吧?常说我flirting的家伙.. =="

大家好像轮流fall sick.. haix
没轮到我.. =)
要谢谢家人把我照顾到好好啦.. ^^

P/s:怎么办.. T.T


Damn!! Why that stupig fan xu everyday 5pm+ start burning the garbage..
My house is smokey leh.. TAU?!
Kanasai.. @@

Yeah~ Can dl the movie that I wanna watch dy!! XD
Dl-ing....... =P

Again, dad cooked curry chicken using the curry soup from Big Tree Leg..
Again.. Nice~ XD
Like the curry..
Like the potato..
Like the chicken.. yum yum~
He said he didn't add in any salt tim!! LOL (Y)

Suddenly.. "BUDGET 2013 HIGHLIGHT"
RM200 d rebate for purchasing 3G smartphone o.. XD
Wow!! Want buy what phone hao leh?? XD
I saw got people leave comment and ask "how about iPhone 5? it is 4G wo".. lol
突然有花钱的欲望!! Ish.. ><"

Wa.. I first time watch X Factor leh.. lol XD

28 September 2012


喜欢连诗雅的《I'm still loving you》..
Nice song.. XD
连诗雅的《I'm Still Loving You》~~

蔡依林的《Dr Jolin》、
周杰伦的《轨迹》.. 那天在车上听,好难过的歌哦.. ><"

蔡依林的《Dr Jolin》.. 榴莲装.. ><"
做么搞成这样.. 虽然看她MV有fashion show的feel,但是这个我不太喜欢.. ><"
头发+服装+妆+表情.. ><"
MV里都是男生怀孕,穿高跟鞋、网袜.. 前几天报纸报导过..

G-Dragon的《Crayon》.. 今天下午才在八八64看到的..
注意 1:08 分钟!我那天也在报纸看到那个装扮.. 哈哈
还有他 0:56 分钟的Pinocchio长鼻子造型.. 可爱!! XD
Why so serious~~ XD


今天XX突然msn我.. lol
A form 6 classmate..
Never chat before in both fb and msn d.. lol

Since then only I know my name Wei Yan is so common..
He said that there are 5 person having the same name in his friend list.. @@
I thought only my chinese name common z..
Mana tau english name kena jugak.. =.="

Anyway, still feel grateful that he remember me.. lol
我还是存在过的!! 至少有人记得我的名.. XD


今天5pm也看电视了.. 《画皮》
之前不懂谁问过我有没有这套戏的.. 哈哈
有Fiona薛凯琪和鬼鬼的,好像还有罗家英!! XD


Just finished watching 《精武家庭》..
Long long time didn't watch this movie le..
I remember I watched it once or twice nia I think..
I think I did buy its VCD.. Haha
What a touching movie nia.. LOL

26 September 2012


Still feel quite tired today.. ><"
Saturday bagi tau..
Sunday depart.. @@
Monday jumpa supervisor..
Tuesday balik. LOL
Suddenly go, suddenly back. @@

This is the first journey that I keep both my eyes opened..
First time didn't sleep in car.. lol
But still.. can't recognize the road.. =P

Sunday night met XXXs and then had dinner at E's Garden..

Monday merayau-rayau, went meet XX and had ABC together in Gambang.. =P
Kesian me, left everything in car.. no water, no atm card, no tissue.. ='(
And didn't bring umbrella out, hot die.. ><"
Then met supervisor..
Had dinner at XX's house.. Thanks to her mum.. ^^
At night went TC.. and I finally had my first cup of Chatime.. wakakaka XD
Suddenly strong wind.. and sebiji pasir kena tuip into my red bean drinks.. @@
Midnight slept, but I insomnia a bit.. Ish.. ><" Then pimples come out. T__T

我:(喝一口) 有沙.. ><" 红豆沙.. XD

Tuesday went Chan Poh for it dimsum but it not yet open, yuan lai it only open in the evening on weekdays.. lol
Then jiu went for the curry mee near Satay Zul.. haha. I this time ordered curry mihun leh.. CURRY leh.. XD
Stomach felt warm until noon, coz of the curry. @@
Back UMP again and we were not managed to get what we want.. haix

"戴matric card咧.. NOOB!!"
"骑脚踏车咧.. NOOB!!"
"穿包鞋咧.. NOOB!!"
"穿formal咧.. NOOB!!"

Left at noon.. Dropped XX at Bersepadu Selatan.. They said the bus station is just like an airport. Haha
Fetched XX, went Kajang for satay.. yum yum~ lol
Sent XX home.. Then my turn..
At bla bla highway kena tangkap gambar tim.. lol
如果车速快过相机快门咧?? XD
Macam "Fast and Furious", they want the car speed faster than the CCTV so that it can't capture their face. lol (Y)

Reached home time macam very kolian..
Family went out already, and I do not have the keys to go in.. lol
First time climbed the gate.. @@
But I like the experience.. XD
Dulu-dulu heard friend said she climb the gate, since then I also wish that I could have the chance to do so.. Macam very yeng. LOL
Sorry for disturbing my family's dinner.. =(
The night was cold.. especially after bath. Cold dao.. ><"
XX still laughed at me said I was so stupig.. haix

Smelled dao some bla bla smell..
Tahan nafas tahan till I want suffocate dy.. @@
TWICE leh that smell.. T__T
I wanna pengsan dy.. ><"

P/s: Yeah.. Chatime. ^^ I faster than XX to have the first Chatime. XD
P/s: What happened to XX? Macam kesian saje.. haha
P/s: Thought can meet XXXs, but didn't make it at last. lol
P/s: Tuesday MPP election leh.. Why don't we go vote also d.. =(
P/s: 想很多如果,也想很多过去.. lol
P/s: Wa.. 暖心 ah.. I remember XX said this song nice..
P/s: Climb gate.. lol XD
P/s: Thank you very much to everyone la. ^^
P/s: Thought can make XX cry tim.. ish.. WHY U DON'T CRY!!!!! haha
P/s: Finally reload my 016 le.. lol

22 September 2012

21/9/2012 Night

Last night putus elektrik..TWICE!! ish..
Kesian my laptop.. ><"
It was so dark in my house that there don't even have any light come in from the windows.. ><"
Totally dark.. ><"
Handphones were not by my side..
I could hardly find the way to go upstairs.. ><"
Where was the moon?? ><"
Oh.. Last night was raining.. =="

Went out to open the gate..
Feel like it almost wanna flood le.. ><"
Had closed all the windows, but still felt so windy in the house.. =="
And yuan lai not only here rain heavy.. haha
Played in the rain a while.. with the umbrella..
Feel like play longer d.. but I bathed dy.. bathed in the dark somemore.. =="
So suan la, don't wanna make myself so dirty. lol

Watching a video shared in fb..
Shila 1.. singing "Forever Love"..
At the same time, XX sent me a youtube link..
Shila also.. lol. So ngam.. =="
This 1 singing "征服"..
Listened dao I got goose bumps.. ><"
XX said he also.. lol
Then one of the judges also said he got goose bumps too.. Haha
Yuan lai not only me goose bumps d.. XD
I still thought I am abnormal tim.. haha XD

Wakaka.. XX asked me that XX got find me anot.. lol
Answer is bla bla bla.. XD

And yuan lai XX also watched "Resident Evil 5" already.. haix
Why don't wait mai me?? =(
Some people said the movie not nice..
Whatever la.. I want watch first.. no matter it nice anot. Maybe I'll like it leh.. Huiyo
Just like the "Snow White and the Humtsman", some people said it not nice also, but I think it is not bad ah.. XD
Can I have "Resident Evil 1-4" also?? haha
I think I have only watched 4th nia.. in the cinema with colleagues.. lol

And I wanna watch "巴不得妈妈"..
I wanna watch the So Gay... lol
Follow so many TVB links in fb..
They everyday also post and upload so many TVB photos.. @@

XX asked "Did u prepare any convo gift??"
Ya lo.. Also not my day, tak semestinya nak gi kan?? LOL
Again 一语惊醒梦中人.. XD
Haix.. But too bad I had never attend any convo before..
The only chance that is reasonable for me to attend d is my own convo..
It will be the first and the last, one and only convo for me ba.. lol
Why TEN years ago I didn't have the chance to attend.. T__T
WHY~~ ><"

20 September 2012

《大赢家》 ^^

Wakakaka.. Happy happy.. ^^
Heard a familiar voice just now..
Yuan lai really is Fung Fung d.. Hehe
And I guessed the movie name correctly.. 《大赢家》
Wakaka.. Fung Fung so leng zai.. ^^
This is the movie that make me feel like wanna be a lao qian too.. Haha XD

Install back Whatsapp on the phone just now.. lol
Last time it auto connect, keep eat my money..
But now I haven't reload for that sim card yet, so this time it sure can't eat my money dy.. XD
Yeah yeah~ Whatsapp me whatsapp me.. LOL

Kesian me.. have to copy and paste the def, mno, wxyz and 369 all the time..
Susah nak type message, susah nak check the dictionary.. T__T
I wanna buy a new handphone~~!! XD
Haix... So sad..
All phones are spoil in my hand.. =(

Today is the second day that I promised myself izit?? Haha
Ya, I did it. I didn't find XX.
But XX find me.. lol

Dulu dulu keep wondering.. what does ROFL stand for..
Today suddenly think dao.. Could it be "Rolling On Floor Laughing"?? Haha
Seem like bang sai time is the best moment to think.. LOL
Then sometimes people keep comment "rfrf", means "roll floor roll floor"??
Hmm... Wondering..

19 September 2012

Dual Sim

Wakaka. Today once woke up jiu think of buying a new handphone..
A handphone that can insert two sim cards d.. Dual sim.. LOL
Got what choices?? Samsung Galaxy S Duos and HTC Desire V.. What else??
Wuwu.. I want a new handphone, no need to be too geng, but cannot be too cha also..
Arrgh.. MoneyLESS... ><"

Samsung Galaxy S Duos

HTC Desire V


Wa.. Chatted with two ex classmates just now leh.. haha
XX did confess to the boy she likes o.. So yong gan!!
I admire her!!!! (Y)

Kesian pelajar UniMAP also..
Takla McD Starbucks Burger King there!! OMG~~ @@
But at least got KFC, Pizza Huts and Secret Recipe.. lol
Dunno there got people purposely go Thailand for McD anot d leh?? haha

Nice words.. Jot down first, next time wanna say this too when got people praise me. XD


I swear not to find XX for 1 week!! XD
Starting from today..
No matter what funny things I see and would like to share..
Not because of what, not angry, not cold war.. nothing..
Just don't want zhu dong find ...


This morning suddenly memories flashed back..
XX.. I remembered XX.. I danced with XX.. Haha
And XX.. XX said "U can't hold XX's hand forever d!!".. Yes, your words came true.. lol

18 September 2012


Do u miss me??
NO I think..
But YES I wish.. =P

Good night. =)

17 September 2012

PRO + Abalone + Convo

Just now chatted with XX..
He said..
just that in my opinion, doing like that will not help you 学习成长
this is the last state in your academic process
not only the last chance for you to learn, this is the last chance for perform yourself, to show who are you..
if you present a project of your friend, that's not you
because you never think who you really are
and what you want to become
you can try to define yourself
try to imagine the Wei Yan after graduate, what she should become.

I can understand your feel
just a choice in life
eveyone have to make their own's
I cant force you to follow my personal principles also

Me: haha. if u cant do ur psm, u will keep extend until u can do it??
XX: haha, u know what? that wont happen.. and didnt happen at all... not because i pro, just because I've made a choice correctly
the point is not the title, but... that's something very subjective, i don't know how to teach you.
the way to 学习成长
I want you to understand that...this world is very cruel
till the day you join into the social, then you will know what I mean

dont need to be pro..that's not necessary
if everyone pro..then that will be very big problem le
and a lot of thing you can do after grad
dont worry

erm.... if you want me to help you hor... depend my 心情.... lol
For your own good, I should say, please dont ask me
I wont help you at all
because if I help you, you will always think you got a backup...and you will always pospone and pospone, until it cant finish.
that was your problem in PSM 1
you can ask me, but I will not give you the answer. but I will only give you the tips

Me: ur work relate with what d?? u know Android and AR thing also?? geng!!
XX: I dont know.. but if I want to, I will know
understand what I mean ?
that's how I do my PSM
and any project also

to accomplish the project, you dont need to be a superman
you just need to be a fast learner
no one was born as pro.... they are just learn to do as pro


Tonight also chatted with XX for a while..
Long time didn't chat with XX already.. haix
Quite happy geh.. ^^
Erm.. Ya, must graduate together d!!
Promise already!! Cannot ffk!! And cannot be late!!
I want to take photo with XX d!!
I want to claim abalone from XX d!!

XX still so cinderella, sleep before 12am. (Y)
I thought I could sleep at the same time also d..
Mana tau.. @@
Ok, now go. Nitez!! XD


Chat with XX also did mention about convo just now..
Macam convo is the last chance to meet..
If no meet then no chance to meet already like that.. haix
Emo~ lol


Cheated XX that I am a banana.. Wakakaka
Dunno XX will believe anot..I think XX just feel blurred and confused nia..
Use hamsap joke to fool me la.. So I better act innocent act banana like that. XD

XX: 见过大爷手淫没
Me: What is 手淫
XX: hahaha. 干. 建国大业首映没 啦.太智能了xD

XX tested me after that, by sending me some photos with chinese words..
I replied "xiao XX wo XX gan X shi XX de, zhang da hou XX gan X shi XX de"
Then XX replied me in chinese, I asked him don't keep sending me chinese words.. Haha
做戏做全套.. lol
Good good, I can act as banana also. ^^

16 September 2012


A. 小朋友跑来跑去撞翻
B. 客人结帐时不小心撞倒
C. 服务人员送菜时碰倒
D. 一阵狂风吹倒

A. 因为你会顾虑很多层面,不希望和情人撕破脸,缺乏主动提出分手的勇气。所以,你会采取迂回的方式,譬如说讨论事情时,故意提出和情人相反的意见,或是和他最讨厌的人事物连接,让情人很火大,觉得你们合不来,最后无法再忍耐,会主动向你提出分手。

B. 你是不想主动摊牌的人,分手的话你说不出口。但是,你也不愿意委屈自己再配合情人,所以你采取的分手方式是逐渐疏远,找借口减少联络的次数,让恋情自然变淡,达到分手目的。不过,情人不知道你的用意,得不到一个明确交代,会被你这种方式整得很痛苦。

C. 重感情的你,不想要伤害情人,更不想背负先开口说分手的负心人罪名,因此你会拖拖拉拉,宁愿委屈自己继续和情人来往。在两人约会时,努力演出很快乐的模样,只有在回家时每天暗自祈祷,希望哪天对方会主动开口要求分手,让你得到解脱。

D. 当你不再眷恋一段感情时,相当保护自己的你,会以快刀斩乱麻的方式,主动向情人提出分手要求,因为你不想再耽误彼此的时间。挑明讲是希望让对方明白,两人已经不可能继续发展下去。早点分手了结,你才可以光明正大去寻找下一个恋爱对象。

AEON Station 18 + Tesco Station 18

Wakakaka.. I'm happy today.. XD

Yesterday sis came back..
Then this morning went out for breakfast..
Actually it was brunch time already. lol

After that went Aeon purposely to use the SUB voucher..
Saw 1 dress macam not bad..
Then zai see dao the mannequin that wearing the same dress..
Suddenly felt.. ah cheh.. not nice liao geh.. lol
But before we left, I saw a lady bought it.. (Y)

After that jalan-jalan kat Aeon..
Mum wanna buy shoes wo..
Masuk a shop which got promotion d, RM25/pair..
Wa.. Those high high heel d shoes nice leh.. XD
But mahal leh.. RM109.00 ah.. ><"
But also none of my business la.. haha
But those 109 d really not bad leh.. yerr... =(

Lunch time all restaurants were full of crowd..
Finally decided to have lunch at Kenny Rogers.. haha
First time makan Kenny leh.. XD
But we four person just order two sets nia..
Look at the way they eat, really gik hei.. haix!!!

Black pepper chicken?? + coleslaw + macaroni+cheese + mashed potato..

Original chicken?? + apa rice + apa potato + fresh fruit salad...

 By the time sis paying bill, I noticed that the next table had left a message on a piece of tissue on the table..
Said wanna complain the restaurant wo.. lol =="

Then went Tesco.. Nothing to see nothing to buy d.. Haix
Bought Bausch & Lomb there..
Why all Watsons catalog also habis geh.. sien lo.. =="