28 February 2012

不平衡 + 相信


嗯.. 昨天看到XX上线,聊了一下
谈到身高,他说还好我不是160以下,要不然他走路会撞到我,因为看不到 hahaha
可我还一直想着要158咧,因为穿上高跟鞋会刚刚好.. ><"


跑着去,结果想吐 ><"
然后就没怎么做运动,只坐在那里 haha

慧问我最近怎么了,说我常常一个人 haha
我很好,只是不想说话罢了 =P
我很好,只是偶尔寂寞罢了 =P
我很好,只是想静一静罢了 =)

P/s:想到学业,前途茫茫啊~ ><"


oh!! 我成熟了,不再生番薯了 =P



为什么总比人家credit hour多?
不管人家是不是final year,自己的credit hour就是比人多!
人家才大概12个credit hour罢了,我呢?19啊!><"



Arrgh~~~~~ 为什么?


但还是觉得自己很可笑.. 就是笨!=="

说到信.. 跟YY聊到ZZ



27 February 2012


只能说,人是矛盾的 =)

SV message XD

Last night a bit insomnia leh..
Kept toss and turn there for dunno how long..
Until I almost can fall asleep, then hp rang..
Shit it!!! Is that fb guy phoned me.. ><"
Looked at the time, it's 1.37am leh.. Kanasai!!

Dunno izit ate le tomyam, felt hot leh.. Fatt heng~ ><"
And kept scaring today will lao sai.. Haix
That's why can't sleep. =="


Just now went Gambang eat curry mee as ... brunch?? haha
Wow.. Macam chat liao quite a long time there. =="

Hard to rent car nowadays.. ><"
And there's no new rent car d numbers in my 3100. lol
Sent liao 10 numbers, only got 2 cars replied me nia.. lol
Maybe coz all are last last sem mia numbers lai d. =="
Also dunno graduate dy mei.. =="

Suddenly received a message from SV during class mia 5-minute break..
He said got kursus, so today mia appointment cancelled.
Give me 5 in class with friend twice le. lol.. Happy dao~ haha
Two words.. 狂喜!Haha

P/s: Miss last night d sabo mee suah mia taste. =P
P/s: Friends asked why I suddenly like to go do exercise liao. =P

26 February 2012

杂菜饭+ABC + Steamboat

可是结果却是去吃午餐杂菜饭+饭后甜品ABC.. XD
Shit!! 给Herbert看到我绑牙!!!! ><"
坐那么远,我还可以听到他讲那两个字!! 大声到~ ><"
还看到一个好像看过的人,觉得他是UMPian,但朋友都没见过他.. lol

P/s:六个人一辆车哦~ Haha
P/s:怀疑XX怕狗!Hahahahaha XD


XX说他昨天吃steamboat,tomyam酱放太多,结果好几个人都lao sai.. Hahahahaha
但愿不会有相同的命运,虽然都是狮子座 hahaha XD

其实跟这一gang都没有很熟,有些甚至不认识 ><"
但我还是很“勇敢”的去了 Haha

CHM原来是Ipoh Mali.. Menglembu人喔..
No wonder他只讲广东话啦.. lol
我自己都开始觉得自己不够广东人了 ><"
他讲的广东话有阿伯KhaiJun的feel~ hahaha
That's why我才问他他是哪里人 lol

Susan跟Nelton还不够8pm就走了.. so fast~ ><"
Waseh.. 好像是第一次看ST戴cons咧~ Haha
我才开始觉得戴con是很common的.. haha

什么鱼粉,什么飞碟,我真的第一次听,但是好像看过.. haha
那个砂煲面线感觉很不错,很有伊面的香,面条细细的 =P
Tomyam汤好像没很辣,我的味蕾接受到 ^^

这个世界有一个火锅定律:Steamboat完后一定要有冰淇淋 lol

过后那里就黑掉了,断电 lol
UMP memang macam ni.. =="
还好我们已经吃完了,洗碗了 =P



“oh.. 你emo..” lol

从来没有试过真正跑完一个圈,今天也是.. Hahahahaha
过后去了Kompleks Sukan那堆仪器那里玩了一下,坐了一下,躺了一下
意外发觉那里会有live band
怎知喝完饮料了,看完星星了,再吃完冰淇淋了,它都还没开始 lol

第三组,international students喔,from Indonesia的,这里就开始sien了..
第四组,一开始bong bong bong打招呼那里好像还ok,但是过后也sien了.. lol
6.30pm出去跑步,10pm+才回房,我都算厉害了 lol

过后又下1Stop install OpenCV
我还没冲凉~ ><"

P/s:吉他手站着弹会比较帅咯!可是我看到的都是坐着的.. =="
P/s:Missed了5个call!!!! lol ><"


PSM啊.. ><"
但是不去又好像不很好 ><"

P/s:现在肚子饿.. =(

25 February 2012


Alone in room again..
I’ve been waiting for this moment very long le..
Yesterday Kam, ViHorng and Chui balik kampung le..
Yesterday Tracy gai gai le, today HowYee also gai gai le..
And finally the room is mine now..

Emo come attack me again le. Haix
Suddenly just feel like wanna cry without reasons.. Haix
So useless la me.. ><”
Should be tough a bit
Should be a happy-go-lucky person all the time d..
No matter in front or behind of others =)

孤单 是一个人的狂欢
I should enjoy this moment but not wasting it in emo-ing d!!!

Learn singing Edison Chen’s 《战争》.. lol
危险嘅係战场上枪林弹雨 血肉横飞
危险嘅係支咪加唇枪舌剑 口沫横飞
Hard to rap la this two sentences.. ><”
My tongue also wanna da jie le. ><”
Sang dao hungry, ate le oat for lunch. Lol

P/s: Why no internet access now geh? Haix
P/s: Actually sad time should not listen to sad songs d. ><”

24 February 2012

"Happy-Go-Lucky" + loser

Suddenly desperately feel like wanna sing k.. ><"
And of course is sing alone.. haha
Sing until I bo voice.. ><"
But haix.. macam impossible got the chance again le..

Sometimes I will anti-social too..
I think it's my own problem..
But feel like wanna say "Neh.. that XX affected me lo..". Haha
Coz that day XX said he anti-social too.. lol
Said he don't like sing k..
That day went sing k, I kept silent liao a while..
That time kept wondering.. "Izit leo also don't like sing k d ha??"
But I like to sing alone wo. Haha..
But it yau sound very cham, coz "alone". lol
Dunno why, I feel ok with it, I enjoy it. =P

If next time gai gai, got so sing k..
Then I want another room, can I? =P
No people come disturb me..
No people see me sing..
No people share mics with me..
No people rampas my mic..
No people sing the songs that I already sien with..
No people sing the songs that I dunno..

XX said leo don't like to tell others when sad..
Me too lo macam.. Haix..
Dislike curi-curi emo la. Haix
Don't know is being affected by those horoscope articles in fb, or I memang macam tu. Haix

Just now ZZ thought I emo, coz I share a macam emo mia post in fb.. lol
I memang ada sikit emo la today..
Feel like wanna find people chat, or kacau kacau siapa je..
But yau feel like should not disturb people always, maybe they are busy..
Bad things shouldn't share with others.. Haix

I asked somebody for jokes..
Somebody ask whether Im emo.. lol
Yuan lai is because I did tell him jokes when he emo.. haha
Thanks that somebody entertain me for a while la. =)
Although he told a ==" joke.. lol

P/s: Listen emo songs really makes me down a bit. Haix
P/s: How to get high everyday? ><"
P/s: Ya lo, siapa tak pernah emo la.. lol
P/s: In ZZ's eyes, Im a happy-go-lucky person?? Ya, keep it up. =)
P/s: I think I got dual personality. ><"
P/s: Can I ask for jokes??


Today YY said his admirer did something to him, asked me how..
Feel like wanna provide him with some ideas..
But yau feel like should not campur tangan in it, since I'm not the 当事人..
And also, Im the loser in this field. haha

To those admirers: Just don't be too crazy la if u admire a person.
To those being admired: U can enjoy it, but must handle this carefully. Abo ur admirer hurt him/herself later, then u jiu guilty die liao..

23 February 2012


Haha.. Took photos for dunno what subject mia assignment today..
Safety First there.. Library, in front of library.. Jejantas there, in front of KK4..
From 4.30pm till 9pm..
Hot sun also went to the other side of the earth liao, we still not yet back.. lol

7pm went KK4 bought ice-cream..
Haha.. I bought the chocolate skin 1..
I bite dao leh!!! ^^ Happy happy~ XD
Dinner for tonight just that ice-cream nia. lol

Saw Fion and her friend, Nelton and Lexin..
Cheated them that we were measuring the road (acted as civil students). hahahaha XD


XX said he use Xunlei to download movie too..
XX said he download movie from that website too..
Really anot wo?? Ada tipu saya anot wo??
Banana wo.. Banana know use chinese mia software?
Banana know download movie from chinese website?? ><"

P/s: So hard to find a person got watched "The Walking Dead" d. haha XD

Cendol + Song Box + Music Star + Carrefour + Cherating Steak House + Tutti Frutti


饭后甜品,就去了Cendol Air Putih
那里是Digi的地盘吗?好像有路哦他们,都黄黄的.. haha
后来问要不要去打包蛋挞,结果Kam绕了去888那间,它似乎真的没了 haha
短短的两个小时,却因为某些原因,关不到车门两次!! Siasui!!! ><"

RM1.70的Cendol Campur..

Song Box唱两小时K.. RM10x2 + RM2x2
Music Star再唱两小时K.. RM16 + RM2x2
点了王菲的《给自己的情书/笑忘书》,粤语华语掺掺唱 haha XD
他们还买了Big Apple跟RotiBoy,我什么都没买.. Haix.. emo =(

我又买了Milo =="
还进了些干粮,这几天觉得locker里没干粮很不行 ><" haha
总不能每次想吃东西都冲Milo麦片吧.. haha

晚餐本来说去魔力吃,因为我们都没去过.. haha
怎知它没开 ><"
等红绿灯时看到那里很多人,又换plan去Cherating Steak House了 lol
兜兜转转,还是西餐 haha XD

Cherating Steak House 

那里不错,气氛不错,环境不错,厕所也不错 haha
Black Pepper Sauce Grilled Chicken Chop, RM19.50
鸡腿耶~ XD
I like 鸡腿. ^^
用青色的那棵“树”跟Kam交换了两粒小番茄.. hehe =P

KS 的 Mushroom Sauce Deep Fried Chicken Chop, RM19.50

过后还去了Tutti Frutti. Hehe
嗯.. 没CSHouse的好.. 好想有个味道 haha
今天那里有Blueberry、Coconut、Mango、Strawberry+Banana、Vanilla、Chocolate、TF Original七个味罢了
拿了前四种,但我吃不出什么是什么味了 haha
吃了RM10.85 - 10% = RM9.75 lol

回到KK3差不多12am了.. lol
原本打算只出1pm-10pm罢了的 ><"
9pm我们才从Carrefour出来,所以注定了要extend. Haha
如果明天没课就好了.. *妄想-ing* ><"

好羡慕YY哦,只是Monday到Wednesday有课罢了 =(
今天他就回家了.. Envy.. ><"
但今天觉得自己有帮到他一个很小很小的忙,开心~ Haha ^^

每次都说要常不一样的歌,结果还不是一样.. Haix.. Sien..
每次唱的都是他们的必点K歌?Wow.. 几百首必点K歌..
简单来说,就是每次都是同样的几百首歌 ><"
不懂是不是被ZZ传染到,突然觉得自己也不喜欢唱K.. lol
一直在心里怀念着一个人唱到完的感觉.. Haha

害我还自责了酱久.. ><"
也对啦,BB没什么理由告诉我 =)

P/s:问ZZ了两次要不要出,她都没应我.. ><" 是真的没听到,还是不想应,我就不懂了..
P/s:终于吃到Cendol了.. ^^
P/s:终于去了Cherating Steak House了.. ^^
P/s:Shian第一次坐Kam的车,说他驾车安全过KW. Haha
P/s:What makes me LS today?? ><"
P/s:听说Network的Wei Leong会完全部锋的歌!Waseh.. (Y) 可惜我不认识他.. =(
P/s:我的朋友似乎都没人喜欢锋的,所以唱K都不会去点他的歌.. =(
P/s:YY说他爱唱歌,来来,下次一起.. Haha XD
P/s:走咯,去Malacca.. =P
P/s:222,哥生日。哥,我帮你玩了半天了.. Haha

21 February 2012


Today stomach d "muscle" feels better le..
So feel like wanna go do sit up again.. haha
But back liao room jiu feel lazy wanna go out again le. ><"
Can I take bath first then later zai dinner??
Or now wanna eat g something first leh??
Feel sleepy nia..
I already quite early slept liao wo last night.. 12am+ nia!! ><"

Erm.. Just now Apple's class lo..
Then I headache again lo..
Ish.. Why geh??
Everytime his lab also makes me headache?? ><"
Last week, same place, same seat, same time, same lecturer, I headache. =="
He makes me headache??
Or I just pusing kepala but not pusing whole body, so headache??
Or I also got high blood pressure???
Cham lo.. ><"
Headache also one of the symptoms for HBP izit?? haha
Go body check lo.. Then go UKP claim again. hehehe

P/s: Hungry jo tim. ><"
P/s: Headache~ =(
P/s: Oi.. Tak boleh tiap tiap Selasa petang jugak headache macam tu la.. Will die people ga.. ><"
P/s: High blood pressure?? I think I got a bit lo. Sei lo.. ><"
P/s: Really no PSM2 class now izit?? Haha
P/s: Feel like Im thin liao. Have to eat more le. =P
P/s: Why no food can let me bite geh in my locker? =(

20 February 2012


Lol.. Not yet 9pm jiu feel hungry le.
Tonight must have my supper.. cup noodles~ haha XD

Here d people so geng!!
Last time I did blow that..
we can take the hot water from the water machine downstairs, then jiu can have hot water to bath le..
Just now went down, wanna take hot water for my cup noodles..
I saw memang got people do that!!! Walao eh~
Two pails there tim.. ><"

Then I have to wait for 9pm only can cook my cup noodle liao lo? haix
Shit them.. Hungry la me now. ><"
Kaka caucau my supper.. Hng!!!

P/s: Why got people like that d?? Melampau~ ><"


Morning class mia lecturer so cute..
He dunno wanna act what machine liao.. Kept "chi cha chi cha" there..
Sometimes fast, sometimes slow.. Hahahahaha
Cute nya~ lol

Afternoon class, technopreneurship..
10 persons form 1 group leh.. Sound so syok.. haha
First time form a big group like this..
Last time heard friend's Human Behavior class also form a group of 10..
Then this time I finally can experience it le. Haha

Know liao ZZ so long, first time group with him..
He came and sat with us in 1 row..
Wow.. Made me think dao 韦小宝.. haha XD

Came out lepak for a while le during the lecture.. lol
Raining.. Watched it rains..
Who knows it became bigger and bigger..
Wanna back room also hard.. ><"
Half of the pants were wet..
Shoes and socks were wet..
And of course, umbrella was wet too. lol

XX's friend YY invited me to go Lang Tengah leh.. lol
Quite shocked and unexpected lo.. ><"
2/3-4/3, it is their plan..
Why recently so many people go there ha??
Roommate just back from there..
Classmate also just back from there..
And now got people planning to go too.. lol

Souvenir from roommate. XD
She let me choose either red turtle or this black turtle d.
I chose red 1.. Then she said "Why no people wan black turtle d?" lol
Sound like black turtle so kolian.. So I want it le. =)
Black means it really comes from beach d. Sunburn, so black colour le. Haha

P/s: Sleepy after having oat as dinner. Nap le a while. Syok leh. XD
P/s: Wa.. KL mia marathon so expensive d?? ><"

19 February 2012


XX macam emo..
I tried to make jokes..
But suddenly "Go die la. Useless. I hate u"
Haix.. I tried to make him smile leh, but.. ><"

Whatever.. It may be good also to turn his emo into geram. hehe XD

P/s: Actually I was making fun of him or making jokes for him??

《Real Steel》完~

Oh... Finally finished watching "Real Steel" le!!! Hahahaha
Nice movie.. Sometimes a bit touching.. =P

So handsome the kids, Max. hahaha XD

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me" ^^


XX: I said I want eat BIGMAC from MCD, not berak wrapped with McD bag.
Me: Ya lo.. BigMac = my shit, and MCD is my nickname. Wakakakakakaka
XX: No girls want me.. I kena rejected by all girls already.
Me: No girls want u, but still got many aunties want u d. No worry, u still got market d.
XX: Don't wanna talk about girls..
Me: Okok. Don't talk about girls, then we talk about aunties.Wakakakakaka 

Wakakakakakaka... Laugh die me already those conversations. XD
Seem like got a bit siao when I LOL alone in room, facing the laptop. lol XD
Luckily no roommates here z.. Abo will kacau dao them when I suddenly LOL like that. Wakakaka XD
Long time didn't chat like this le.
He said me gik die him already. Wakakakakaka

XX: I know why u no bf already. All mati already, gik sei d.. Hahahahaha
Dunno why, I keep LOL when read this.. Wakakakakaka

P/s: Yuan lai he know quite a lot of chinese words d. ^^
P/s: Memang tarak siasuikan _____ la.. I joke nia. Haha XD
P/s: Oi.. Macam sangat devil la me.. Keep bullying people like this. ><"


"Cat shit small small macam eat snacks"
LOL.. This is funny!!! Wakakakaka..
First time heard people said this.. So cute mia reason!!! (Y)

18 February 2012





3、喜欢抠伤口上的结痂; (傻咩?会留疤的!)
9、剪指甲总是剪到最短; (我还是觉得长指甲手指会比较修长 XD)
10、所有的东西都要很整齐; (没有咯.. Hehe)
11、爱删东西,电脑、手机 (一不删就不删,一删就删很多 =P)

haha.. 没中很多.. =P

骗小孩.. XD
我:是真的啦。我不忍心叫醒你嘛.. 我真的带了burger在你宿舍外面等了你一整晚咧.. 2am-4am还下雨了呢!可怜我.. 然后你现在竟然不信我..
XX:Hahaha. 完全不会信你咯,骗子!如果真有这么一个女生这样做,我会很冧的咧,会fall in love,然后直接结婚。不过我知道你没那么做.. hahaha
Hahahahahaha。竟然还吹到那样~ 我真的觉得很好笑咯.. Wakakakakakaka

如果真的有一个女生那么对你,真的会很冧吗?? Haha
感动是会有吧,但不是感觉咯.. haha


某个朋友不开心,我还是讲了同一个敲门的“笑话” lol
其实那也不是什么笑话,是烂gag.. lol
可是笑话变成烂gag,又好像有点不是很对路 lol
bo变啦.. 以前的笑话都忘完了,IQ题也忘完了,给些时间我去回忆一下先.. haha

=)   <------- 我总是觉得这个表情很有问题!
是那种明明就不开心,还要对人家表示“我很好” “我没事”的表情!! Ish.. ><"


Is going to be alone in room tonight..
Friend asked "Why u keep on online for whole day 1??" lol
Can I answer.. "All friends also got bf but I don't, so I make fb my bf" ?? Haha

不开心 + 开心 =)

很奇怪的跟了Chui、Nelton、Siew Tien、Bear和Isaac出去.. 朋友说很奇怪的组合
除了Chui,这是我第一次跟其他人出街咧.. =P

还是我吃了oat所以吃不下 ><"

Megamall Popular,遇到很多人
Wai Yin、Joanne's roommates (Ah Yea & Ah Looi),Chew Seng,Hazman & his wife、Thiam Wei & his gf Pei Yee,还有很多juniors..
一是打算带回家给姐用,二其实是我没带到voucher出去 haha
Khim的料是对的,用了RM150就能拿到一张Popular card. Thanks Khim. =)

ECM Carrefour,买了两包Milo,它有送杯面,但是忘了claim
看完电影才记得,但是方向不一样,就算了 =)
Big Apple,帮Kae Shin买了两个donuts

一开场的时候他们筹备婚礼什么的,我就想到哥了,伤心了一阵子.. ='(
电影院出来,谢谢ST提醒我拿回寄放在那里的东西,我真的几乎完全忘了!谢谢ST. =)
那时才想起Milo有得送杯面,但是为了不要大耽误大家,我放弃了杯面 =)

Chui ok、Nelton走光、Isaac装可爱遮肚腩、Bear害羞、ST装cool? haha

Shit!! 每个人都看到我的braces了 ><"
也吃了Honey Dew Special..
我才不至于又觉得自己耽误了大家 ><"
我发觉到那里的跷跷板不见了 haha

又突然伤心了 =(
但是每次提到psm,我都觉得没希望,所以都很伤心 =(

Music Star唱K
这次终于不再几乎都是福建歌了 =)
有种.......的感觉 haha
谢谢ST递mic给我。Thanks ST. haha
那里厕所没水,结果我就没上了 ><"

Library前有个湖,加上晚上的灯光,很美的感觉 ^^

每个人都在玩touch screen、Samsung什么的..
所以我的Nokia就藏起来了 =)
毕竟它常跟着我,迟早会被我摔坏的 (它跳床很多次了 ><")

本来想跟XX拿照片的,拿来放profile picture
手机传手机,应该会是original size
但是他said no,所以算了
我不会为了一张照片苦苦哀求 =)
照片罢了嘛.. 我有的是脸,还怕没照片吗?=)

今天也有件开心事 =P
然后我就因为这样做了件善事 (总之我就觉得是善事啦!)
帮到人真的很开心 ^^
之前曾试过下午就开始眼睛痛了,可是我还是硬撑到晚上,结果半天都在掉眼泪.. ><"
他走运了,我今天刚好有买con药水,包装里刚好又有casing =)

P/s:去Pekan,但没为How Cheh送他的Bigmac.. haha. 下次他又要说我是骗子了。lol
P/s:听到很多Isaac的笑声.. 车上、戏院都是.. lol

17 February 2012

运动 + XX

也拍了下下照 lol 有她的地方都少不了拍照时间 haha
之前还跟过弟弟拍,再之前是自拍 hahaha

运动前吃了oat,运动后就饿了 lol
去cafe吃了mihun curry + 冰淇淋 ><"
还逛了一下那间面包店 lol

P/s:躲了一阵猫猫.. lol ><"
P/s:“我投降啦~”白色内裤还在!omg~ 吊多久了?><"


都怪我自己太不会认人了 ><"
看XX的照片,wow~ 很多都拍到很不错咯!envy~ haha
有些照片comments很好笑!Hahahahaha (Y)
去过很多地方咯人家.. envy again.. =(
总觉得XX是好孩子,好像总在12am前睡 lol
我本来也打算12am前睡的啊~ ><"

YY很高哦好像!180+?? (Y)
XX几高?Paiseh啦.. 狮子同胞,我尽量不再欺负你啦.. lol
AA说BB和CC明天出哦.. 真的吗?BB似乎常fAAfk.. 我可以说,如果他真的出,我jiak sai吗?lol


16 February 2012


但是童鞋都说有喔.. ok咯,有咯

在apple lab看戏咯..
继续昨天的《Walking Dead S02 E08》 haha
第8集看完噜~ 等着第9.. hehe

原来我们不一定要去那个majlis的喔.. haha
我呢?嗯.. 我要好好休息 hehe
他们都是要去搞IT的东西,有伴了,我就不去当陪衬了 hahaha
须知道,出个门也要花钱啊~ =P

昨晚有人求我.. hahahahaha
Hahahahaha.. 他又知道一个please就可以了的?(Y)

Haix.. 如花的照片有什么不好?
放自己的照片有人讲,放如花的,也有人不满意 lol

  1. 每组一定要有男女
  2. 每组一定要不同种族

我要带鞋子来,想穿那双鞋逛街 hehe
我要带衣服回,这里太多衣了.. =P


15 February 2012


4pm.. 他4.52pm才出现 =="
要不是有电脑,要不是看戏,要不是fb,我都不懂有没有那个耐心 haha
Whatever.. 他有来就好 =)
可是lab里还有三个学生,在4.50pm就走人了. hahaha. 差那2分钟.. lol
他没讲很多,因为比起上个sem,我还不算退步太多 haha

看了一点《Walking Dead S2 E08》一点
宿舍房间又看不到.. =(

过后去了Jabatan Bendahari
hahaha 我终于知道它在那里了!lol
还好她收了 =)
Yeah~ RM50 come come~ XD

msn、skype.. Haix


嗯.. 到此为止吧.. 还是适可而止?hahahahaha

真的不能太夜睡了,要做回我的灰姑娘 =P

这两天好像都有朋友睡不醒、迟到 haha

P/s:今天的课都很累,个人状态累.. 还好今天星期三。=)
P/s:7am起身真的是件很辛苦的事!!! ><"
P/s:最近房里的人都很夜睡.. 是她们夜了?还是我早了?
P/s:今天少说话.. =)
P/s:午餐想吃饭,但是去到cafe,太多人,还是算了.. ><"
P/s:想吃冰淇淋.. 让它狠狠的痛一下,不然我觉得现在的自己好像没灵魂.. ><"
P/s:笑容挂不住。现在见到朋友都没笑了,感觉自己跟那个脸臭臭的Software女生 (但是她看到人家时很好笑容的喔) 没差别。><"

14 February 2012


Happy Valentine's to the world~
And Happy Tuesday to me~ haha XD

可是看她一个人,又不能在这种节日抛下她 (很可怜的)..
结果就miss掉了跟XX他们的晚餐 =(
Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry...
But sorry no cure.. Haix
Ffk le jiu shi ffk le =(

对不起.. =(

P/s:以为可以的,可是有时“计划赶不上变化”这句话是对的。对不起.. ><"
P/s:对不起我没准备礼物.. =(
P/s:没跑步,给苹果讲到我头痛+内出血.. lol ><"


ZZ有party哦!喝酒哦!他就爽啦.. tiger beer, black label, chivas.. (Y)
原来black label是hard liquor来的!但是我都没喝过.. =="
AA原来是大我们两年的senior,跟Drake Bong同一batch的..
AA跟BB都说他们头晕.. lol
BB说CC跟他拿《人体蜈蚣》.. lol
讲了个跟DD一起冲凉的故事来骗YY.. haha XD
谢谢XX送的情人节礼物.. ^^

结果就很好人的义务帮我们填补了那一个小时的空虚 lol

12am赶人咧.. lol =="

13 February 2012


所以他只是很意思的show show face罢了
不像戏里的另外两个小孩,饰演郑中基的女儿的 (她很会演下!!),还有饰演Tarzan的儿子的..
还有一个,肥螳螂王晶的肥儿子.. lol
可能,他还小吧?处女作哦.. 是这样的啦.. =)


Bonery是manufac的.. 记住记住!
Yeah~ 我拿Oggy了!! 我的情人将会是Oggy~ =P

最近在fb看到很多Tutti Frutti的照片,价钱大概在RM14-15左右..
为什么我第一次能吃到RM19+去?扣掉后还要RM17++!!! lol
Ish.. Kenapa Ipoh ada TF I tak tau d?? ><"
De Garden and Medan Gopeng also got?? ><"
也看到Leong Pui Yee去Langkawi的照片.. 又是Langkawi!=="

UKP Cheque

Today suddenly received a call from UKP..
Asking me to go claim the cheque.. haha
lol. ya, is cheque. lol =="
The amount small till.. I drop dou drop jo la.. lol
Why don't just give me cash leh?? =="

Then I also brought mai the receipt that I got on 1st of Feb.. haha
I tried ask whether can I claim for the amount on it..
And the final answer is can wo!!! hahahaha XD
So good.. Then March that time I wanna pay more first.
Pay more then I can claim more..
Abo wait till Im not an umpian anymore, then I jiu can't claim le.. ><"

P/s: Went UKP twice today. lol
P/s: WDKU01 becomes WDKU-K01 and WDKU02 becomes WDKU-S01. Why ha?? lol =="
P/s: Saw XX twice today. Just act invisible. Haix
P/s: Changed my Bank Islam card password le.. I like this new password. =)
P/s: Smile to nobody today. Haix. Cool?? Lol
P/s: No more smiling face from me. Sorry~ ><"


Tomorrow is what day??
Tomorrow is Tuesday..
Tomorrow is the second day of my Sem 6..
What else??
Tomorrow is just a day that Im going to have class from 8am-6pm. lol ><"

《Devil's Playground》完~

Haiyo.. ><"
Same name with the movie "Devil's Playground" tim.. ><"
Feel a bit cheh and a bit 诡异 la this name.. ><"
《魔鬼游乐场》.. ><"

This movie talked about 30000 people went for a drug testing
29999 of them have seriously side effects
Then they turn and start biting people..
Yang kena bite tu, also turn and bite others..
Got 1 girl named Angela, she immune from the effects..
So the dunno what name look for her and persuade her to go lab for experiments to save the others..

Lol.. Actually ada apa kaitan dengan the devil?? lol
And ada apa kaitan dengan the playground??
Why they wanna use this as the movie name z?? =="
Make it sound so cheh.. ><" lol

1st day of Sem 6

Sad sad..
Accidentally saw his msn pm "sick again =("
Haix.. I also =(

Another person added me in msn le..
Senior I think, not graduated but yau not in UMP d?? lol ><"

Dulu dulu, I got my bread sem..
Last sem, I got Maggie sem..
This sem, will be my oat sem.. Hahahaha
Live a healthy life ma.. =P
Dunno need to take how long to finish my 800g mia oat leh?? haha =P

Had the first class just now.
The GouShao looked lecturer teachs us.. haha

Did not sleep very well last night.
They all late sleep. Dunno why..

Just now the external harddisk fell down from my table.. accidentally d..
Made roommate awake for a while le.. Haix
So sorry to her..
Saw her 不耐烦 mia facial expression at the moment..
Make me more paiseh. ><"
Haix.. Sorry sorry sorry la. ><"

今天听说谁谁谁喝醉了会怎样,谁又会怎样.. haha
会不会暴粗.. 会不会乱性.. 会不会发酒疯.. 还是会傻笑?Hahaha =P
但是没办法.. 谁叫我没那个机会 ><"
我就是这样,没有我,自然就不关我事了,不关我事,就没太多的兴趣去看 haha
想了很久,我竟然回答“I've no comment. It's none of my business” Hahahahahahahaha
坦克车立刻被zadao!!! Wakakakakakakakakaka..

Today onwards have to face more people le..
Laugh at me la if u want..
It's time for u all to balas dendam le. =)

Hmm.. What else to write about the first day of me Sem 6??

P/s: Stomach pain le today. ><" Why yesterday ok ha? ==
P/s: 超想去爬山看日出!><" 几时才有机会去林明山看日出?=(
P/s: 想知道自己的体力.. Haix

12 February 2012

I yau back la. ><"

I reached le.. haha
At 6pm jiu reached hostel le.. lol
Actually nothing to be happy with d. haha

Total 9 person, in 2 cars.
Met Mun Chun at about 11am.. near my house..
A bit shocked when he talked to me in cantonese.. ><"
But I answered him in mandarin. ><"
Dunno why.. tak biasa cakap cantonese dengan kawan kot.. =="
Then went Medan Gopeng to meet others..
Got 5 people waiting there.. 1 guy 4 girls.. lol
So syok lo him, surrounded by leng luis.. hahaha
Steven, Joanne Goh, Li Ting, Alicia and Wen Nar (dunno how to spell. lol)
Really all leng lui leh!!! Haix..

That day Steven told me not to bring too much stuffs back.. Scare tak muat..
When I was packing, I kept wonder..
"Izit too big ha my luggage?? Cham lo. Hope that they wont mind la.."
When I saw them.. saw their luggage..
Walao.. compared to theirs, mine 1 is just a small matter nia lo!!!

Another guy Yi Xuan came after that..
We went 新扬威 to have our ... dunno lunch or brunch. haha
As a Ipohian, I never been there before. Shame on me!! hahaha
They ordered liao 琵琶烧鸭、烧鸡、叉烧 and 芥菜..
Actually they wanna order 烧肉 d..
But it not yet arrive.. So change to 叉烧 le..
When we left, then only we saw ada 烧肉 liao. lol
Like the 叉烧 taste also. =)
But I shy shy to open mouth la.. Haix
Don't sit face-to-face in front of me!!!! ><"

I duk the 烧鸭 for its meat..
用力过度,汤匙敲到盘子,蛮大声一下.. 丢脸!!! ><"
Then right after that, sat next to me d XX...
She dunno duk what, 整块饭飞了出去!!! Hahahahahahaha
好好笑.. Haha

Then lepak in next next door d 余合饼家 for a while.. haha
I only yang lepak.. They macam got buy something..
Kali ini tarak feel nak beli apa-apa belanja kawan makan. Haix
Last time d xiang bing, mum asked me got eat dao bo..
I said no, she asked me why I didn't keep some for myself.. Haix
Then now wanna keep also can't eat le. =(

这样才会更好吃.. lol

Followed MC's car again and departed at about 1pm..
The girl who sat next to me kept sleeping..
Made me think dao YY. haha
Leaned on my shoulder summore..
Shy leh.. Sure not comfortable my shoulder..
Tulang je.. Haix.. ><" Sorry la. ><"

Stopped at the McD at dunno where for a while..
Then continued our journey at 4pm..
YX's car arrived earlier wo.. How come geh?? ><"
Then he passed my luggage back to me when we arrived. haha
RM25 nia this time..

Sia sui la today..
Said "If u don't give me the change, I kiss u geh!!".. lol ><"
Then he fast fast return it to me liao. Wakakaka
Should laugh or should sigh??
Mou la la got this kind of weapon liao. ><"
Don't dak zui me, abo I kiss u geh~ lol

P/s: Itu Wen Nar also very slim lo!!
P/s: 4 leng lui there ah, except me. Haix. Ipoh lose liao lo. Sorry, I mempersiasuikan Ipoh liao. ><"
P/s: I output the kangkung le, I saw it!!! Hahaha... Dunno why always see the kangkung appear in the toilet bowl d. LOL


Had dinner with Chui today.. =)
Cafe.. Haix.. ><"
Jalan-jalan after that, then chat a while in her room..
And almost left my hp there. ><"
Only 2 persons nia in her room.. So syok.. =P
Always have wanna-sem-break feel.. hahaha

Went their lab.. lol
Got big difference with our Block XYZM labs lo..
But what's the difference? I yau dunno wo. hahaha

P/s: Today mia line really sucks lo!! ><"
P/s: Badminton.. Haix =(

11 February 2012


XX do sit-up o!!
Ish.. He so determined wanna keep fit..
Motivate me le..
So I play sit-up today too!!! Hahaha
Tomorrow sure waist stomach pain le. ><"

How to buang the buncit ha??
I don't wanna let the big air bag follow me la.. ><"
Macam pregnant skeleton like that.. Haix ><"
Anyone can tell me how to slim that part?? Haha

P/s: Line so poor now. ><"
P/s: Sleep earlier tonight. =)


Haiyo.. So fast holiday yau wanna end le.. ><"
Im still in my CNY mood leh..
Last night only opened all my angpaus..
Still, my parents gave the biggest angpau.. ^^
Thanks thanks. Muackx ^^

As usual.. Not much angpaus I got.. =P

Tomorrow jiu have to say bye bye to my town le.. =(
Time passed so fast.. ><"

Valentine's day soon..
Brother keep saying "I've passed valentine's day alone for 20 years already!!! And it is going to be the same in the 21th year."
Hahahahahaha.. 21 years only ma.. So what..
I also N years already la.. Hahahaha..

Have many tong shuis these few days..
Only yesterday jiu got green bean soup and air tebu le..
At night mum yau bou aloe vera tong shui..
Wow.. sibuknya the din ji sa bou.. haha

En.. Brother off-ed liao two days.. Thursday and Friday..
And today yau back to work le.. haix
Miss him leh.. ><"
Sunday morning I cant say bye bye to him le.. =(
Arrgh~ I don't wanna leave!!! ><"
Sad sad.. =(

Threw all my nails le.. haha
Let them be the fertilizers for the plants.. hahahaha
Kept too long, already a bit yellowish le.. hahaha =P


10 February 2012

《瘦身男女》郑秀文下巴 + WhatsApp


Friend edited my photo till like that!! ><"
《瘦身男女》郑秀文下巴.. lol
And spoilt my brother's hp also!! ><"

XX recommended WhatsApp to me.. haha
Nice la this mobile application.. macam msn..
Applicable for iPhone, Android, Symbian and also Blackberry. =P
But no free call lo..
Viber only got free call I think, but not applicable for my hp lo..

But this application can be used in UMP using the wifi there meh??
Macam cant connect to wifi using hp d wo, in ump..
Unless don't sleep at night la.. lol

P/s: Siapa ada pakai WhatsApp jugak?? haha XD
P/s: Just 5 people nia in the N95. Coz all contact number I also save in 3100. lol
P/s: If got Starbucks in UMP jiu good le.. hehe ^^

Oggy~ + 《特警新人类》 + Fu Shan??

Oggy and the Cockroaches leh.. haha
Got friend got o!!
My childhood cartoon leh.. ^^
Damn miss it d..
Love it so much coz it is cute, funny and most important, no dialog 1.. hahaha
Malay cant understand, English pun cant understand. lol
That's why no dialog d cartoon most suitable for me. Wakakakaka


Watched tv just now..
Coz got "Gen-X Cops" 《特警新人类》^^
Long time bo watched this movie le..
Dulu everyday also watched it after school, with brother d.. hahaha
Everyday o!! XD
Mute quite a lot lo on tv.. Then only I realized got a lot foul language inside. hahaha

But miss the climax part at the end lo.. ><"
Coz so ngam that time discuss back ump mia pasal with Steven and Mun Chun..
Then when back to the movie, they already jumped into the sea liao.. Then Jackie Chan liao. ==
Ish.. Missed it. ><"
But it's okay la..
Worth also, coz settle liao the place that we are going to meet. =)

A bit gan jiong leh..
Coz dunno who Im going to meet..
8 people wo.. But actually I just meet 1 of them before nia.. ><"
Ada siapa lagi saya pun tak tau.. ><"
Anyway, this is a chance to know new friends. =)

Shy shy to eat with them la.. Haix.. ><"
Really go eat dim sum?? ><"
Later all tersekat at my teeth. Haix.. ><"
Cant eat fast.. ><"

09 February 2012

Fingernails + ZZ'

Damn sleepy now. ><"

Just now cut my fingernails le.
Few days ago very determined to cut it d, then polish it..
But then these few days hesitate a bit le..
"Keep le so long, want cut it meh.. So waste. ><""
"It is my logo my style leh!!"
Lastly I did cut it. Haix..

Short la.. ><"
So hard to type the keyboard now. ><"
Keep pressing the wrong buttons nia.. lol


Wife: intha week fulla film paathom, next week fulla shoping polaam... Athukum next week fulla suttipakelam..
Husb: okay, adhukku adutha week fulla koviluku povom!!
Wife: yen??
Husb: "pichai edukka"...

lol.. This morning received this.. from the ZZ' that day.. =="
Is this a joke?? lol
Told him that I'm chinese ma.. Why still sent me such thing geh? =="
I just sent wrong message to him once nia ma.. Why sent me good night message and this geh? =="

Hey stranger, I dunno u ga. Don't send me message anymore, ok? lol

08 February 2012

Hair Cut + Result

Hehe.. Went for hair cut today..
Decline le cousin's invitation to watch movie in JJ..
And decline le Phoon Lem's invitation to play badminton in stadium..
Said got thing do (hair cut ma.. hehe)..
But actually is don't want mafan dad fetch me la.. haix
Transport problem always.. ><"
If one day I have my own car, and my driving skill is okay, and no braces be my halangan, then I may become very outgoing le. wakakakakaka XD

At first got planned wanna do hair treatment also d..
But at last also bo do..
Just cut the hair a bit..
Me: Why everyone here is wearing either black or white, but u wear in blue d??
XX: I special ma..
Lol.. He also got black and white actually.. his hair.. hahaha
Very light d gold color (consider white la.. =p) on top, then below it is black. *like* haha
Fast lo.. About half an hour jiu done liao. Geng!!

P/s: RM5 this time. But the person took my free voucher, so free already. haha
P/s: Got another new hair academy open at the opposite shop lot o..


Sem 5 mia result out today wo.. 12pm wo..
I thought I can load the page smoothly after 1 or 2 hours geh..
Dim ji.. after I finish updated my blog, cannot.
After my lunch, cannot.
After reading newspaper, still cannot!! Ish.. Damn sleepy tim!! ><"

Went Watsons for a while..
And jalan-jalan at Tesco there for a while..
Then come back still cannot. =="
Keep trying for a while baru boleh.. =="

Lol. So lucky that my CPA didn't drop much. =)
XX said his "beloved" friend failed already lo.. lol
Since when he so care him liao?? hahahahaha
Really saw his "beloved" friend post many many status lo. Haix
Mostly also not very polite mia.. ><"
Cannot liao. I don't wanna same category with him!!
I wanna upgrade myself. I wanna be a polite girl. Wakakakakaka
Suddenly feel that dia mia EQ rendah lo. lol. Cannot control emotion d.. =="

P/s: Spent RM36.37 lo.. ><"
P/s: Watson's mia catalog hurts me.. ><"
P/s: Hot dao~ Dark already lo. ><"
P/s: New Jusco will open in April wo.. Lol. Big and nice. ^^
P/s: Why no Starbucks in Tesco Station 18 d? ><"


Hahahahaha. Ok tonight, the few hours just now. ^^
Syok chatting and blowing with some friends.. haha
And dunno why sometimes may say dao the same thing to different people..
AA says lalala to me, then I says the same lalala to BB
Or sometimes I say bababa with CC, then DD says bababa to me..
Sometimes I say nanana to all AA BB CC DD.. XD
Geng!!! haha
Why this can happen 1 ha?? Wondering...

Talked about braces with some friends today..
Me: Neh.. U and ur boy boy mia gigi pun tak kemas sangat d ma.. Go do orthodontic together la.. Then when kiss kiss, maybe will kik G and won't separate forever. =P
PP: 38 la u..
QQ: I find a got wear braces + handsome d London guy for u la..
Me: lol. Can don't wear braces d ma?? Later kiss kiss ha, kik G, then need go clinic to settle it ah. lol ><"

Why XX is banana too ha?? haix
Again 1 more banana.. ><"
And yet cheat me that he is not. lol
LIAR!!~ ><"

Chat with YY too.
8 a bit about his past.. hehehe
Told the same knock door joke (or gag?? lol) to him too.. haha
He asked me from where I found this story wo, but luckily he didn't hear it before. ^^

Sms with ZZ also while busying fb chat..
Left hand type his hp number, press send..
Right hand type laptop keyboard..
Then suddenly hp rang..
Looked at the number..
Macam is ZZ mia, but why it is not ended with 7 at the back d?? lol
But since it was ringing, then I answer first lo..
The person there did not speak in mandarin or cantonese 1, but english.. lol
Look at the phone number again.. Shit!! Memang not ZZ lai d!! ><"
Ish.. ><" Tertekan 1 more 8 in the hp number liao la.. ><"
Then at almost 12am, the ZZ palsu sms me and said "Good night and have a sweet dream" pulak. ==

Actually syok to blow like this la.. Damn like it d. ^^
Maybe too long time didn't open my mouth to blow le. ><"
Next time izit only can syok blow in fb only, but not face-to-face?? ><"

Omg~ So sudden jiu 2am already!! ><"
Still everyday also promise myself wanna sleep at 12am. ><"
Every night also ffk to myself. ><"

P/s: Haha. YY mau learn cantonese wo. =P
P/s: Dunno I will tell others about the knock door joke how many times more leh?? Haha
P/s: YY told me today result will out at 12pm wo.. Now only I know. Haha
P/s: The ZZ' is Indian lo I think.. ><"
P/s: Use a meal to bet with people recently. Haix.. Too noob already la me, jiu suan win liao, the person belanja, I maybe tak dapat makan also. Haix ><"

* ZZ = ZZ
* ZZ' = ZZ palsu. lol

07 February 2012

4 years!!!

OMG~ 4 years!!!
Dai la la 4 years ah!! ><"
I don't want to be single for 4 years la!!!
Two years is enough for me already lo.. ><"
After 4 years, I memang old already lo.. ><"
All friends also maybe preparing to give birth to their second child liao lo. ><"
Another friend 5 years tim if not mistaken!! T.T

I keep the teeth yang dicabut last time.
Wash them and rendam them a while with Listerine..
Then its kaki all become blue le.. ><" !!!!!
Then Im going to find 1 day to brush it, make it white back..
Ini macam ada very funny meh? lol

P/s: Emo.. haha
P/s: Had a great chat with Syn Yee. ^^


Finally know XX mia YY is who already. hehe XD
Always glad that got people add me.. =P
Thanks to XX for giving me the chance to know a bit more people. haha ^^

Different Opinion

haix.. Why always have different opinion with others ha??
Coz me too naive already??
Or they think too complicated le? lol

Dinner just now.. Talk about magician..
真的觉得她这样说,是对真心的魔术师一种侮辱.. haix ><"


Chatting with XX last night, dunno why suddenly talked about hotel..
Again, different opinion ><"
对他来说,酒店是一个让人做爱、赌博、bla bla bla的地方 lol

P/s: Why always have different view with others d ha?? ><"
P/s: Why they wanna think dao so ............. ha? =="


今天有《鲁豫有约:刘谦》,我是特地因为他才看的 haha
之前在电影《大武生》里看到他,觉得.. 嗯,这男的还不错帅 haha

嗯.. 听下去很不错
他很想为魔术界出一份力,栽培人才,然后让他们有上台表演的管道 (如果他们有兴趣)
一站式啊~ Good!!

P/s:《大武生》还是看到一半.. lol =="
P/s:哇.. 如果我能像他一样实现梦想就好咯.. 但是我的梦想是什么?><"
P/s:哇.. 如果我也会魔术就好了!


oh~ 原来我礼拜才回.. haha
Didn't really take note when friend told me that day. lol ><"
Shy la wanna back with so many people. ><"
Heard got 9 persons..

P/s: Don't want go lunch with them le. Bo face and mafan. haix ><"

电话号码 + 抛柑 + 冷面笑匠

有没有试过不敢开口跟人要电话号码?? haha
有时我也是啊~ haha ><"
然后害怕被拒后的丢脸.. haha

其实拿号码只是一下子的事情罢了 lol
一下子,就拿到了 haha
又或者,一下子,就被拒绝 lol
拿到之后就会觉得“Yo!! 拿电话号码罢了嘛.. So what??” lol
或者拿不到之后就.. 嗯.. 这我不懂 haha

P/s:Yo!! 拿电话号码罢了嘛.. So what? XD


hahahahahahahahahaha... Laugh die me already!!! haha XD
Chat about throwing orange last night.. 元宵节抛柑嘛..
Friend said his mum brought him go throw when he was small.. lol
Laugh die me that time.. Because of the story that I created quite make sense.. lol

P/s:Always ss about my story-creating skill. Hehe ^^
P/s:Always proud of those make sense mia story. Wakakakaka XD


Had breakfast with family just now, after fetching my brother, and before sending mum to work.
鸡丝河粉, boleh telan saje, tak payah kunyah, easy to eat. Haha

Brother spoke cantonese with the Indian 小二..
Me: Why u speak cantonese to him??
Bro: He actually is a chinese. He is just a bit darker nia.
Me: =="
Hou yeh mia brother!! *LIKE*
That Indian 小二 also geng. He can understand what my brother ordered. lol

Saw Guan 2 Gor there.
But not closed with him, dunno he can recognize me anot, and shy shy to smile to others nowadays..
So jiu didn't smile to him.. lol

I found that I still not dare to laugh and smile widely la..
Unless Im alone la that time. haix ><"
Cham lo.. Next time want how to laugh at others leh?? ><"
And how to tahan not to laugh when blowing water with others? haix ><"
Have to learn to be a 冷面笑匠.. Kekeke =P

P/s:大笑也要等到没人的时候?? I scare I beh tahan lo.. ><"

06 February 2012


Ish.. My kuku finally patah le. ><"
Two days ago it broke le half
Then broke another half while searching for the keys in my bag just now.. lol
Tapi saya masih tak perasan..
When I open my bag again to look for my hair clip, then only I saw sekeping kuku kat sana.. lol
Again, it didn't hurts.. haha =P
So lucky la me, everytime also no bleeding d. hehe =P

Haix.. Still plan to go saloon today geh..
After that only cut my nails geh..
Coz last time I cut liao only go, then the guys in saloon all got long long finger nails, I jealous lo..
Actually saya pun ada punya ma.. =(
So this time must saloon first then only nails.. hehe
So I wait and wait and wait..
Dimji today public holiday.. ><"
So have to wait till wednesday le. ><"
But that nail so kolian, ia tak dapat tunggu le. lol


Izit fooled by YY liao ha? ><"
Asked me choose that photo..
Who knows last night got people said ugly, wanna vomit..
And this morning got people said ghost le!! haix ><"

Why normally people only use those kind of words to describe my photos nia ha??
Ugly.. Ghost.. haix. Sad sad~ ><"
This two descriptions are only for me nia ah??
Or other people and other girls also get it d? lol
If really ugly geh.. Then u all go get 1 to "pik cheh" and halau hantu la..
I don't mind d.. Coz already not the first time people said so le. =)

P/s: YY old dot me? ><"
P/s: Maybe Yu Fa is really pretty than me. Accept the fact. =)
P/s: Sad la.. Yu Fa mia picture got people said nice. But mine 1 jiu.. haix ><"


Damn funny last night!! wakakakaka

Just looking on the picture also can make me LOL le. hahahahahahahahaha
XX asked me why the guy is still there.. wakakakaka XD
He wanna ki siao liao because of that guy.. lol

I know not good to laugh on people..
But this is really funny!!! lol

Actually there are some comments below the owner's photo d..
One of them is "Bla Bla kor. 不要吓人啦".
Good ah!!! The people dare comment like this!! orz..
Then I go like liao. wakakaka XD


Today mia weather sibeh hot!! ><"
Today I finally step out from the house le. lol
Went TS and Econ..
But not much thing to buy. sien~ ><"

The Tracia saleslady (should called saleslady rather than salesgirl ba. lol) came to me and promote her company mia product..
She walked so near.. Too near until I shy to open my mouth to reject her.. haix ><"
Still not yet get used to face people like this.. ><"

P/s: 陌生人恐惧症 ><"


Raining in the evening..
So we all fetched brother go work..
Passby the Guan Yin Cave..
GYC car park.. lol

Last night and tonight also got the throw mandarin orange mia activity there..

Masa tu it was raining heavily.. ><"
Road also flood le.. lol ><"
This uncle so kolian, his motorcycle "die fire" at the middle of the "flood". lol
Then no choice, he have to "kayak" using his legs.. ><"
And got a big bus behind him.. lol

UFO?? No la.. haha

P/s: Dunno got how many people at GY Cave there leh now.. ^^


The 吓人guy.. Sometimes feel like wanna quarrel with him. lol
But it's too nonsense.. ><"
XX made me dislike the 吓人guy too ><" haix
Finger nail patah, very 无奇不有 meh??
Uncle, please la.. See see how long my nails are before u gigi gat gat there!!

Suddenly think dao 《决战之紫禁之巅》, something almost like this..
龙龙九:“如果我一個不小心整断咗一只,就.. 嗱!” mlm
hahaha.. Can I show him that too if that 无奇不有 mia conversation is face-to-face 1?? lol
Show him the middle finger and say "Nah!! See clearly.."..
About 1.15cm long d leh!!!
I bet my finger nails are the longest among whole 3BCG lo. hehehe
Abo he thought long finger nails like this is a very common thing.. lol

P/s: Im rude and I know it. lol

Profile Picture

haha.. Yuan lai got people concern about my profile picture d wo.. 

At first is this 1 d..
But feel annoying when got somebody said something about this..
So I decided to change it..

Feel like wanna change to this..
But this is damn long time ago mia picture le..
I also see dao sien le.. ><"

So I choose this..
AA like it..
But BB said macam dog..
Then see dao SOMEBODY mia profile picture also 吐舌头..
Shit!! ><"
Cannot same style with that SOMEBODY!!! ><"

Then choose this..
Smile~ ^^
But then CC see dao XX's comment pulak.. ><"
Flags~ Ish.. ><"

Then YY asked me about my cny photo.. lol
So sad then I don't have even 1.. =(
Then susah payah dapat cari satu..
On chor 10..
YY said this ok, said put this, he will go like.. lol..

To fool him, then I sengaja go search batt liong gam punya picture..
Then I saw yuu fah punya gorek hidung photo..
I choose this!! lol
Since YY promised will go like.. ahaha
He really go like. lol. good!! haha

After he off, then only I upload the previous 1..
But before I off to sleep, DD jiu said ugly and asked me change it le. haix
Said play archery at Genting mia photo nicer..
But I couldn't find it lo. lol
Sure because I blocked ZZ already, that's why I can't find it. lol

YY said put the left 1.. BB said the right 1.. @@

P/s: Why change profile picture d? ><"

05 February 2012


冷的Cappuccino,坐在楼下客厅放空一下 (楼下比较凉 =p)




魔鬼般的哥哥~ haha
然后就拿来玩,他就会很大声地说“放低”或“Don't touch” haha


大 多数 的 男 生 最 不 喜 欢 怎样 的 女 生 ??
1. 粗鲁
2. 耳洞很多
3. 纹身
4. 喝酒
5. 懒惰
6. 花心
7. 乱发脾气
8. 幼稚
9. 肮脏
10. 乱打人

hahaha. No wonder no guys like me la..
I 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12.. ><"
And feel like wanna 2 and 3 also..
When wanna go cucuk back my ear hole leh?? Nak cucuk 3. =P

P/s: Almost all kena.. lol


狂po新文章罢了 ><"

CNY的头几天,整个fb homepage都是谁谁谁去哪里哪里吃什么什么餐的照片,韩国餐、日本餐、火锅、酒楼..
还有年初一的新衣,年初二的新衣,每天穿新衣的自拍照.. lol
昨晚就整页都是蛋。立春,每个人玩鸡蛋玩到很爽,弄到的都拍照放上fb =="
Wendy那gang去Penang,Wei How那gang去Hatyai,Joanne、Fion他们去Langkawi.. 还有谁?lol

人家都结婚了.. ><"


A. 巧克力
B. 爆米花
C. 冰淇淋
D. 洋芋片


选择A的人 个性单纯热情的你,在单身时是放电网,习惯与异性打情骂俏,当作生活调剂,不少同性会很羡慕你招蜂引蝶的功力,不过一旦你有了固定交往对象后,你会尊重情人的感受,尽量不招蜂引蝶,改掉和异性搞暧昧的习惯,但你若是和情人感情疲乏,又会开始对其他异性放电。

选择B的人 个性直接的你,凡事都先为自己打算,关于爱情这件事你也是将自己的需求摆在首位,即使你已经有固定的交往对象,如果认识到你中意的异性类型,你仍然会卖力放电,不放弃任何机会,让正牌情人气到牙痒痒。

选择C的人 你个性稳定,对于爱情很认真,属于不解风情的那种人,本来就不太会招蜂引蝶,不习惯勾引的招数。尤其当你已有认定的情人或是另一半,你会自律,自动避开和其他异性暧昧的机会,避免瓜田李下的误会,要让你的情人安心。

选择D的人 个性大而化之的你,对于异性你的态度是多多益善,有越多异性喜欢你,你会越有征服的成就感,尤其是在同性朋友的面前很风光,所以即使有了固定情人,你也不愿意放弃对外招蜂引蝶的机会,不顾情人会吃醋,仍要继续和异性眉来眼去,来证明自己魅力无法挡。

-copied from newspaper  2.5.2012

P/s:我是...... =P


越翻就越beh song,又是那句“火都来啊~”
真的是越看越想哭,越看越火.. T.T

P/s:我要吃~ T.T
P/s:太过分了!><" 我要吃~ T.T
P/s:我要吃~ ><"

04 February 2012

S6 gathering

哇.. 原来昨晚有S6 gathering..

三分之一哦!很不错了 =)

Xin,yo~ 可爱了,女生了,有男朋友了!
Ivy,还是很美,眼睛还是很大 lol

P/s:All leng lui leh~ haha. No wonder that day XX said passby Ipoh saw many leng luis la, but never include me 1. Haix ><


换了profile picture,换回去之前之前用XX Ipod Touch拍的那张
随便啦,我喜欢就行了 =)
我以前的自拍照都是那样的 hahaha

但那张曾经放太久了,我都sien了,所以就免了 haha

YY啊,我应该真的没机会再拍那样的照片了 T.T






又煲粥,又煲饭.. 麻烦~
粥,我一个人吃罢了,又越煲越多.. ><"
真的是,火都来~ lol

而且,不管再怎么说,我也要学会吃饭、习惯吃饭啊 haix

为什么还非要我说“我咬不到”?!  T.T
我讨厌说这两句话.. ><"

我都不想讲话了,还要一直问我我不想回答的问题.. ><"
Again, 火都来.. lol
Talk more = hurt more..
沉默是金啊~ ><"

美食从此与我无缘~ T.T

P/s:有谁喜欢自己认真的丢自己的脸啊?*蹬脚蹬脚 (学fb阿jib嫂 lol)* ><"
P/s:昨天的红豆汤水差点keng死我了.. ><"


Ish.. How dare a guy come and ask me my bra size? ><"
I open-minded also got limitation d.. ==

Really feel that he got a bit problem since dunno when.. ><"
Ish.. WA TAK SEXY!!! ><"

P/s: Luckily 12am liao. Time for me to sleep. =)
P/s: Siao.. Should I remove my profile picture?? =="
P/s: Really sweat to hear that.. =="


Seorang lagi keep poke me, inbox me ask me add him. lol
Sorry lo, I don't add stranger d lo.
U want, then u add me la.. lol
Fb not allow u to add, then is ur own problem lo.. lol

P/s: Very chuin izit? lol


That XX also got called me recently..
But I keep ignore his call as I always do. lol
Only answer when Im busy, and tell him that "T'm busy now. Chat next time ya" haha
Bo bian la.. Nothing can chat with him d. lol
And who ask him always call me after 12am.. lol

People want sleep d ma.. huiyo

03 February 2012

Miss the bus 3

Nightmare this morning~ ><"
Dream dao I miss the bus again le!! Ish.. ><"
2pm bus from Kuantan, estimate it arrive UMP by 2.40pm..
But 2.35pm I still in room.. ><"
And then have to use the jejantas to cross the road. ><"

So sien mia design. Ish.. ><"
Can't straight cross the road like that le. ><"
Let's break the pagar~ lol XD

Then have another dream after that..
Dream dao yuan lai I same group with XX in sem 1.. lol
So real that until now, I still wondering it is just a dream, or it's a recall.. lol

P/s: Luckily it's just a dream z. relief~
P/s: Why "run bus" this kind of thing always happen on me geh? ><"


Almost keng die me lo these few days.. after the "surgery" ><"
How if I keng again in UMP? Haix..
Eat vege, keng..
Eat pork, keng..
Eat bubur, keng.. Ish.. ><"

02 February 2012

《天与地》完~ + 巧克力 vs 大便 + 烂gag

lol.. Spent liao so few days to finish 《天与地》..
Actually I have no interest towards this drama d, because got that Lam PohYi. lol
And sounds sien also the drama name. =="
But since Chui so nice, sent me first two episodes, then don't waste, I sendiri went download the rest and watch. lol


也没有很不喜欢这套戏,后面那part不错一下 =)


Yesterday biao di add me in fb, then his youngest brother also add me after that. lol, both in the same day. =="
Three of them (and also my biao ge. lol) and their family back Ipoh dy wo..
Yuan lai that day they went KL then zai went Sg..
Dunno the angpau from Sg is in Dollar or Ringgit d leh?? haha

That day a bit 遗憾 coz didn't take dao any photo with them.. (is never actually. lol)
But now all of them back le..
Jiu suan this sunday mum say wanna go visit them, I think it's already not a good time to take photo with them le.
Because I 不方便 (learned from 《那些年》)..  LOL ><"


Today noon called 花生 already, telling him that I don't want go KL le..
He sounds ok. Thank God. haha =P
Chat le a while after that..

hahaha. Damn like these d!!!
So unexpected it came out from my mouth. lol
I memang too clever le la.. wakakakaka XD

P/s:我不习惯讲话.. 怪怪的,辛苦~ ><"
P/s:Ish.. My brain kena polluted by shits le!! ><"


That day lie people said I go Thailand. lol
Yuan lai got people really go also lo..
Wei How friday go, go play 2 days..
Herbert just back from there lo, played liao 1 week tim!! lol ><"

Nice chat with Herbert this time, at least no bully-bullying. lol
A bit tak biasa.. ><" haha

P/s:He got 175cm meh??168 only ba?? lol ><"


Just now chat with brother..
Wanna LOL also kena 遮遮掩掩 lo.. ><"
So cham.. How I gonna face people leh? T.T
Why Kim Huat can smile dao so 灿烂 ha??
So good if I like him too. ><"
Soon d la.. =)

P/s:我的生活离不开大笑.. =D
P/s:Should go buy a mask le, to cover my face. haix ><"


Chat with Eason just now..
And again I found myself a bit geng in blowing. wakakaka ^^

E: Beauty is more important..
Me: Must have money than only can be pretty d ma.. That's why girls wanna find gold turtle.
E: Then how about poor turtle?
Me: Go paint their bodies into gold color lo..
E: You help paint?
Me: No, go Shaolin. They got this service.
hahaha... XD
Know why i said Shaolin?? Because they paint 18 铜人 also. LOL

P/s:有很烂吗?烂gag.. lol *like* haha


Haix.. too bad. ><"
Mau makan roti pun susah. ><"
Then what else can I eat after I back uni? ><"

Suddenly feel like I really should not join friend go KL le..
Mau cari makan pun susah nanti. Haix
That's also why I tala pergi Langkawi with Cheezies.. ><"

Hmm.. Let's figure out what else can I eat..
Oats? Bubur? Mashed potato? Yogurt? Ice-creams?? XD
Chicken chop eat dao ma?? (suddenly miss Bayleaf tim. =P)

Hmm.. No burger le. I have missed out the chance to eat prosperity burger this year, and there's no more chance to have it le. ><"
No KFC pocketful le.
OH!! NO BREADS!! lol
No spaghetti le??

How if he bought the ticket dy?? haix ><"
Sorry have to ffk le. ><"

01 February 2012

原来,从今天开始.. 我吃东西就只能用吞的了!

Luckily this is not available in Kuantan z. ^^

P/s:但愿爸妈不要担心我 =)
P/s:No sushi for me le.. ><"
P/s:Luckily Bonanza is in April z.. means not soon. haha
P/s:It's time to learn 斯文 in eating le. =)
P/s:Talk less so that it wont hurt me so much. =)


今天早起去了“泰国”“整容” lol
从今以后我都不用再笑了 =(

这是最后一张有我“灿烂”笑容 + “雪白”牙齿的照片 T.T
bye bye le大粒牙许慧欣~ T.T
bye bye le阿牙 (Herbert讲的)~ lol
*虽然不美,但我还是喜欢这样笑~ =)


P/s:礼拜天要不要meet Wai Chen跟Yuhui她们咧?如果那时我接受到我的新脸孔,我就去。Else, next time ba.. lol
P/s:从今天起,我要从新学笑了.. smile~ ><"
P/s:两年后才找男朋友吧,如果还有人要我的话.. lol


我刚在fb里block XX跟YY了,这是我想了一个晚上后的决定 =)
我还以为我永远都不会block人tim.. ><"

Whatever啦,block了你,你就不会看到了,不会来跟我说有我很多posts了 =)

P/s:到要开学才开回吧.. =)
P/s:是很像有小气啦.. 随便啦,不管了!><"


Other than that, 一个都没去过!没有Genting,没有Cameron,没有Broga Hill,没有Pavillion,没有1U,没有Langkawi,没有Perak trip..
没有Sky Lounge,没有Chatime,没有Overtime,没有De Garden,没有JJ,没有Parade,什么都没有..
没喝茶,没出街,没聚会,我的social life还剩下什么?不就是fb跟bloggie罢了咯!

最近fb里认识了几个人,senior Joe Wee, Brandon, Nelton, junior Bonery..
没chatting,没东西看,fb就剩下update post罢了咯!lol

每天的日子都是一个样,routine life~ sien~ ><"


不fb,今天就把心思放在blog吧 =)
那天聊天,ZZ说feel到我不开心 lol
想不到只是一句hello就能feel到,之前Joanne应该也feel到过一次 =)
原来我偶尔低落,也是会有人feel到的 =)

二月了,又快情人节了,一个对我没意义的节日.. haha
但是一feel到好像有人要走近时,我就开始想逃了 ><"
永远永远,我跟每个人之间都会有距离.. ><"
所以还是单身最适合我吧.. =)

P/s:Damn hungry now. Hunt for food 1st. =P